EduTron - An educational platform for organisations and developers

Project Name: EduTron

Team Name: TronLearn
Devpost link - EduTron | Devpost
Github Link - ayushsingh82/EduTron (
Project Live Link - Vite + React (

Project Goal:

The goal of EduTron is to create a decentralized educational platform on the TRON blockchain that connects organizations and students. The platform aims to incentivize learning by rewarding students with certificates and monetary rewards upon course completion. By leveraging the TRON blockchain, we ensure transparency, security, and accessibility for all participants.

Project Value:

EduTron adds value to the educational ecosystem by providing a decentralized platform where organizations can easily list their courses and attract motivated learners. The reward system encourages student participation and completion rates, while organizations benefit from a blockchain-based solution that ensures transparency and accountability. EduTron fosters a community-driven approach to learning and development.

Project Details:

EduTron allows organizations to register and list their courses on the platform. Students can then register, enroll in these courses, and upon successful completion, they receive a certificate along with a small monetary reward funded by the organization. The platform uses TRON’s smart contracts to automate the enrollment, tracking, certification, and reward distribution processes, ensuring seamless and secure interactions between organizations and students.

Project Milestones:

  1. Platform Development : Complete the core development of the EduTron platform, including the registration, course listing, and student enrollment functionalities.
  2. Smart Contract Integration: Develop and deploy smart contracts on the TRON blockchain to handle course enrollment, certification, and reward distribution.
  3. Beta Testing: Launch a beta version of the platform for testing with selected organizations and students to gather feedback and make necessary improvements.
  4. Official Launch: Launch EduTron to the public, allowing any organization to register and list their courses, and any student to enroll and earn rewards.
  5. Community Building: Focus on growing the EduTron community by partnering with educational institutions, promoting the platform within the TRON community, and engaging with users to drive adoption.
  6. Continuous Improvement: Regularly update the platform based on user feedback and technological advancements to enhance the overall experience for organizations and students.

Upcoming Season Feature -

  1. Reward: Monetary rewards for completion of course to student
  2. Verification : Onchain verification of certificate

Steps done -

  1. Landing page + Navbar done :white_check_mark:

  1. Page for onboarding organisations done :white_check_mark:

  1. Student onboadring :white_check_mark:

  1. Organisation Onboarding :white_check_mark:
  2. Working on course links :white_check_mark:

  1. Working on wallet connector :white_check_mark:
  2. student/organisation listing contract integration :white_check_mark:
  3. Working on watch time of course/video :white_check_mark:
  4. Working on fetching organisation data from contract :white_check_mark:
  5. working on onchain certification

Welcome to the session. First make provision for your working social media handles. Thank you

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Welcome to hackaTron S7. Please provide your project website for community testing

will love to see where tis project EduTron is heading so far so good i love an education platform

Yes buddy we will ship very soon

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working on it will provide link soon

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Yes sir will be making twitter for this

This is really one of the interesting projects to look out for, in this season. Have you considered a collaboration with any institution that can offer a real life certificate to users who complete the courses. If yes, can you tell me which country and city you consider such collaboration with and the institution (if such information can be given out at the moment)

Based in India and collaborating with known good institutes

Will there be any possibility of extending your reach/collaboration to more regions e.g Africa following the region’s record in blockchain adoption

Definitely bro we can target any region / country .

Ok that is nice… Keeping my eyes on this project. Your project milestone is missing the dates when the phases will be completed. Include the dates in order to be eligible to make it to the hackathon next stage.
And please, I am not a bro :star_struck:

Sure sir I will add the dates for the milestone

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Just completed one more page for onboarding organisation

Welcome to Season 7, obviously this was done in a haste when it isn’t rush hour yet, firstly clarify what track this is in.

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Hello , this is in integration track

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I totally get that, and I see this is 100% centred on education.
What partnerships (educational institutions, businesses, or government bodies) are being pursued to enhance your platform’s credibility and reach?

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Welcoming you to the Season 7 and I see that you really keep it short, like my Senior in the forum have already asking you at first the track confuse me, I want to know from my reading how do you plan to ensuring long-term sustainability of the monetary reward system, thank you

We are actively pursuing partnerships with various stakeholders to enhance the credibility and reach of our educational platform. Our focus is on forming alliances with renowned educational institutions to ensure that the courses and certifications offered on our platform are of the highest standard. By collaborating with these institutions, we aim to provide learners with access to quality education and credentials that are widely recognized.

In addition to educational institutions, we are engaging with businesses and industry leaders to create specialized courses that align with current market demands. These partnerships will help bridge the gap between education and industry, ensuring that learners acquire skills that are directly applicable in the workforce.


Our track is integration, we are focused on creating a robust ecosystem where educational institutions, students, and organizations all benefit from participation. To sustain the monetary reward system over the long term, we are implementing the following strategies:

  1. Partnerships and Funding: We are actively seeking partnerships with businesses and organizations that are willing to sponsor courses and provide funding for rewards. These partnerships will help ensure a steady flow of resources into the platform.
  2. Fee Structure: Organizations that register and list courses on our platform will be required to deposit a fee. A portion of this fee will be allocated to the reward pool, ensuring that funds are available to incentivize students who complete courses.
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