TronXplore by TronEducators - Discover Tron Through Interactive Education!

Project Name: TronXplore

Project Track: Artistry

Team Name: TronEducators

Team Member(s): @ElevenGracy + 2

DevPost Project Link: Will be updated soon

Project Goal:
The goal of TronXplore is to gamify the process of learning the Tron blockchain by allowing users to complete interactive tasks and quests. Through practical experience, users will gain knowledge of Tron’s key features such as energy, bandwidth, token transactions, and transaction hashes. Upon completing all tasks, users will receive a certificate in the form of an NFT, demonstrating their mastery of the platform.

Project Value:
TronXplore brings value by making blockchain education engaging, interactive, and accessible for beginners. By integrating learning with actual blockchain interactions, users can gain real-world experience in sending tokens, managing energy and bandwidth, and exploring transaction details. The project promotes the adoption of Tron and helps users understand the technology behind it through practical application.

Project Info: Will be Uploaded soon

Project Website: Will be Uploaded soon

Project Test Instructions: Will be given soon

Project Details:
TronXplore gamifies the educational experience of learning blockchain by breaking it down into interactive quests. Users are taken on a journey that starts with simple tasks like connecting their wallet and progresses to more complex operations like managing energy, bandwidth, and sending tokens. The project is built using TRON’s network and rewards users with an NFT certificate upon task completion.

Smart Contract links: Will be updated soon

Features Scope:
Note: This is the current scope, but we will try to expand it based on community feedback

  1. Create A wallet
  2. Connect Wallet to a website
  3. Sign A transaction
  4. Get Test Trx
  5. Send Trx to an Address
  6. Check Bandwidth and Energy used
  7. Get Energy for use by staking
  8. Mint TRC20 Tokens
  9. Approve Tokens for transfer and Transfer TRC20 Tokens
  10. View Transaction
  11. Give Certificate for completed Tasks

Project Milestones:

Milestone 1: Implement Gamified Learning Structure and Introductory Quests

  • Frontend Development:
    • Design the user interface (UI) for the onboarding flow.
    • Implement the basic structure for user profiles and progress tracking through tasks.
    • Develop a dashboard to display the current task, quest progress, and a reward tracker.
  • Backend Development:
    • Set up user authentication and wallet connection through TronLink.
    • Develop a database to store user progress, wallet addresses, and task completions.
    • Implement API endpoints to communicate task progress from frontend to backend.
  • Expected Deliverables:
    • Fully functioning user interface for onboarding and learning journey.
    • Backend setup for user profiles and task management.
    • Basic connection to Tron blockchain for wallet interactions.
  • Target Date: Week 1 (Start Date: 11-09-2024)

Milestone 2: Integrate Tron Blockchain Interactions for Task Completion

  • Frontend Development:
    • Create interactive learning quests related to Tron’s key features (e.g., understanding energy and bandwidth, sending tokens).
    • Implement step-by-step guides within the UI to help users navigate through Tron-related tasks…
  • Backend Development:
    • Integrate Tron blockchain functionality for wallet interactions (e.g., sending tokens, querying energy/bandwidth usage and all the task list in features).
    • Develop smart contract interaction logic for storing task completions on-chain where necessary.
    • Build APIs to validate and log successful task completions (e.g., confirming that a user successfully sent tokens).
  • Expected Deliverables:
    • Frontend interface with live blockchain interactions.
    • Tron blockchain interaction APIs to handle token transfers, view transaction hashes, etc.
    • Smart contracts for handling task completions and rewards.
  • Target Date: Week 2 (18-09-2024 to 25-09-2024)

Milestone 3: Implement NFT Certificate for Task Completion

  • Frontend Development:
    • Develop UI for the NFT reward system, showing progress towards earning the NFT certificate.
    • Integrate the NFT minting process into the final stage of the learning journey.
    • Create a “Certificate” section in the dashboard where users can view and display their earned NFT.
  • Backend Development:
    • Implement a smart contract for issuing NFT certificates upon task completion.
    • Integrate backend logic to verify that all tasks have been completed before the NFT is minted.
    • Deploy the smart contract on the TRON testnet/mainnet for NFT issuance.
  • Expected Deliverables:
    • Functionality to mint and display NFT certificates as proof of task completion.
    • Full integration with smart contracts to ensure a seamless experience.
    • Backend verification process to ensure task completions are accurate and secure.

Target Date: Week 3 (25-09-2024 to 02-10-2024)

Milestone 4: Testing, Debugging, and Public Launch

  • Frontend Development:
    • Conduct comprehensive testing on the user interface to ensure seamless transitions between tasks and clear feedback for blockchain interactions.
    • Fix any UI/UX issues discovered during testing.
  • Backend Development:
    • Perform rigorous testing of blockchain interactions, including wallet connections, transaction submissions, and gas fees.
    • Debug the smart contracts to ensure the correct issuance of NFT certificates.
  • Deployment:
    • Deploy the frontend to the public domain
    • Open the platform to the public for onboarding and task completion.
  • Expected Deliverables:
    • Fully functioning and publicly accessible learning platform.
    • Debugged smart contracts ready to mint NFTs.
    • Public launch of TronXplore for user testing and participation.
  • Target Date: Week 4 (02-10-2024 to 07-10-2024)

Welcome to season 7
Your project is mouthwatering


Welcome to Grand hackathon S7
Alots of update are missing anyway,…
If am not mistaken your project is more of education and an added sauce like learn to earn , how would you generate funds to pay users that is actively engaging & learning? Secondly do you have any plans to extend this education IRL ?


Welcome to hackaTRONs7 ! Tron educational content is highly needed. Look forward to your try your project. Good luck for milestones !


Thank you and hope we are serving something good to tron ecosystem.


First of all thank you for your words, Yes we have that purpose behind this project to make education content more attractive and engaging.


That is good to know. Tron is not like other blockchains, educational content will help new users especially to know how to use Tron efficiently. Many new users do not even understand the concept of Tron bandwidth and energy. Hope your project will be helpful to onboard new users to Tron.
What inspired you to build tronXplore?


Thank you for warm welcome, So our primary goal with TronXplore is to make Tron blockchain education engaging and accessible.

While our initial version is focused on gamifying the learning experience with a reward system that includes NFTs and talking about learn to earn part we will take this features or feedback for future purpose and as of now we don’t generate any funds and pay to user we are rewarding with NFT once all respected task is completed by user and last but not the list as we are open to exploring ways to extend the platform to real-world educational experiences in the future. This could potentially include workshops, seminars, or collaborations with educational institutions to complement the online learning experience. We’re always looking for ways to improve and expand based on community feedback and evolving needs.


Thank you! By breaking down complex topics into interactive quests, we aim to make learning engaging and accessible, ultimately helping users understand Tron’s features more efficiently and empowering them to use the Tron blockchain with confidence.

What inspired us to build TronXplore is the desire to bridge the knowledge gap for newcomers to the Tron blockchain. We noticed that many users struggle with understanding key concepts like bandwidth, energy, and transaction management, which are crucial for using Tron effectively.


Based on your project details Can u share more clarity on user testing and feedback integration into educational content, and how can you manage bandwidth and energy for users.


Welcome to Hackathon Season 7, this is really an interesting read, gamifying the learning process for the Tron blockchain is a promising approach to blockchain education.
Will your platform cover gas fees for learners, especially during the testnet phase, or will users be expected to manage these costs themselves?


Welcome to the Hackathon of season 7, another one that is there in the artistry track, please tell me do you have feedback model so you can gather feedback from every of your early users, thank you


Welcome to hackaTron S7. Your project’s approach to facilitate blockchain education through turning the learning process into interactive and engaging session is so commendable but one challenge I have noticed about these solutions is on marketing of the initiative and the ability to attract new members who are unfamiliar with blockchain technology. So, how are you going to tackle this challenge and ensure that the awareness of your project get to those it’s intended for?


Hello Tronxplore, welcome to this session.
The goal of project is good, but shouldn’t be centered around Tron energy and bandwidth alone, because you will be dealing with the newbies audience.

Second, will come back when full details is added. Which I feel your video will make it easier for newbies to understand your feature scope. And your social media presence will be good too.

For after completion and user received Nft. How valuable will that be? In terms of been recognised or any added values to the Nft?

Last, I guess you has this previously project.
Climashield S6

So how about it now, any update or abandon?.


We’re excited to announce that our application will be live soon! Users will have direct access to all our educational content, where they can explore the various features and lessons we offer. To help improve the experience, we are open to all feedback from our community and try to provide better experience .

In terms of managing bandwidth and energy, our initial focus is on explaining the concept of staking. We’ll walk users through what staking is, how it works, and how staking TRX can reduce transaction fees. By staking, users gain more bandwidth and energy, lowering costs and improving the efficiency of their transactions. This practical, hands-on approach will help users understand and manage their resources more effectively within the TRON ecosystem.

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Thank you for your kind words! We’re excited about gamifying the learning process for the Tron blockchain. To clarify, during the testnet phase, we will not be covering gas fees for learners. Instead, users will need to manage these costs themselves while performing tasks. This will give learners a real-world experience in handling transactions on the blockchain, even in the testnet environment.


Thank you for your interest! As of now, we don’t have a dedicated feedback model in place. However, our team is working hard, and our app will be live soon. Once it’s launched, users will be able to explore all the features, and we’re fully open to receiving feedback through our discussion community. We recognize the importance of user feedback, and we truly value it. We’re eager to listen to suggestions and ready to implement them to continuously improve the app.


Thank you for your thoughtful feedback! You’re absolutely right—attracting new users unfamiliar with blockchain technology can be a challenge. However, we believe every big movement starts small. Our initial approach is to offer our platform to the TRON forum community, where we can engage early adopters and gather valuable insights into user perspectives. From there, we’ll focus on reaching new users through a series of small, consistent efforts, including community outreach, educational content, and tailored onboarding experiences


Thank you for your response but in terms of the NFTs that would be rewarded to users, does the NFT has any utilities? Any reason to hold the NFT earned?


Welcome to hackathon S7, indeed this is great for users especially beginners Well done Sir.

Will there be any kind of support or service that will be available for beginners who get stuck or have questions while using the platform?