EZNFT by Tronsave - Generating NFTs has never been easier

We’re launching extension for Save Wallet

Yes we also deliver SaveWallet you can check details about the process here, we’re about release the extension

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At this early stage, we focus on NFT creators, making NFT creation easier for them.

We’re planning to collect fees on each NFT collection creation with specific requirements

Keep updating and releasing products, make it a friendly experience ecosystem

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We will update the detailed video

Yeah Onscolo, always a supportive friend

We’re releasing tons of features for Tronsave, SaveWallet and EZNFT. Our submission is also not completed. Working on updating the details!

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Very interesting idea looking forward to test the end product . Keep up the good work guys !


good one, I love this
keep building


Wow great to hear you are working on extension, thats nice keep on building

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Hmm, in my opinion, the plan to collect fees on each NFT collection creation is a smart move to generate revenue and ensure sustainability.
But however, as smart as it looks, the implementation of this fee structure will need to be carefully considered to balance profitability with user acquisition and retention.
I’ve a few questions; what specific factors will influence the fee amount? And, how will you ensure that the fee is reasonable and competitive in comparison to similar platforms?

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Alright am still waiting, I can’t wait to test your project. Keep building sir

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Thank you for your reply

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Number of layers, contributes, images etc. We’ve got Tronsave to buy energy for transaction fees so the fee will be very competitive


Ok, pretty satisfied with your responses so far, I’d be keeping a close watch at this point.

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