Help Us Choose Our Next Project for Season 7! šŸš€

Hey all, thanks for the interest and feedback! Based on the poll so far, it looks like ā€œMinistry of Tronā€ may be the choice :zap:. Weā€™ll make a final decision within a couple of days. In the meantime, I have a few open-ended questions for some initial unstructured feedback. Feel free to share your thoughts on any 1 or more of these:

  • How do you imagine the MoT (with Ambassadors) can best empower your local community?

  • What features would make the MoT platform easy and enjoyable for you and/or others to use?

  • What is missing that would make your life easier?

  • If you were a Tron Ambassador, what would you do with $1k per month?

  • If you were a UBI recipient, how would $1k per month change your life? Would you be willing to share your experiences with an AI case worker?

  • If you were a sponsor, what metrics or success indicators should the MoT track to ensure its effectiveness?

  • What do you think are the chances of TDV, HTXDAO, or other large Tron-affiliated entities being interested in sponsoring this?

Iā€™m asking these because, despite numerous hackathons, active dApp usage on Tron is still relatively low. With over 245M+ accounts and 2.54M+ daily active users (DAU) on average, the majority of activity is just stablecoin transfers.

Thereā€™s enough accounts+DAU that constitutes a country. All countries in IRL have Ministries to brings simplified services to many. How can we unite and collaborate to simplify the lives of these users on and off-chain?

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Iā€™m seeing by default once youā€™re L3 verified, your already DID certified, correct me if Iā€™m wrong.

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Oh thnaks bro, I really appreciate!

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Oh wait, I may have missed the token part. What token would that be?

This token you need to mint it



I remember I minted mine. At 1st you needed the L3 verification to apply. now I do not know


yeah I remember that, I think it was $1 or so

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This is a nice idea. Is there aby strategies youā€™ve considered to ensure there is sponsor for this certified ambassadors and where you talked about certificate renewal, I will like to know how long youā€™ve planned the certificate to be due for such renewal

Just like other contributors, the DID is assigned once users reach L3 verification and to me, there is no other value of the DID than becoming a Dominican citizen once you have the ID


Thereā€™s no solidified strategies yet aside from posting the idea here to get initial feedback, entering the hackathon; the rest is yet to be determined. Weā€™ll need to come up with compelling reasoning with mechanics that would bring on sponsors and have them benefit long term. It would then be up to them to decline or support- allocating tokens to see what more this can do to help people and grow userbase furtherā€¦

The certification and ambassador program would be two separate things. To apply for the ambassador program, one of the requirement would be to have the certification - this wonā€™t expire. The ambassador status however, would need to be renewed. The time period isnā€™t yet final but Iā€™ve been thinking 6 or 12 months.

Whatā€™s your thoughts on all this?


Thanks @Kojopapo @Prince-Onscolo for the heads-up.

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Thank you buddy for the clarity. We live, we learn!

No because I did not see any place and options to minting tokens

It should be on htx

Try using desktop not mobile

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Always welcome brother

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Thank you very much for making everything very easy to understand for me, we learn everyday and everytime

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bumping up this post


hello team, how far with gostables

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Heya @Prince-Onscolo, goStables hasnā€™t been the priority focus lately. Weā€™ve found that it wonā€™t be viable for now.


okay thanks for the update

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