Invitación a creadores de proyectos de este s4

Gracias por tan extensa explicación, sigan construyendo para todos.

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Hola @TronJoy como conocido del anterior hackathon y desarrollar un proyecto que es atractivo para la comunidad, me gustaría hacer unas preguntas, para que los nuevos usuarios que entran en el foro y personas que quieren conocer este mundo, sientan interés.

  1. Explica brevemente tu proyecto.
  2. ¿ Qué ofrece tu proyecto a los nuevos usuarios y los existentes?
  3. ¿ Cual es el beneficio que obtienen de probar tu producto ?
  4. ¿ A quién va dirigido ?
    Gracias por las respuestas.
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Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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Hola, @TuruGlobal como desarrollador conocido en el foro, con un proyecto en plena expansión, me gustaŕía que me respondieras a unas preguntas, para los usarios nuevos en el foro y para personas que están descubriendo este mundo.

  1. Define brevemente tu proyecto.
  2. ¿ Que ofrece tu proyecto a los nuevos usuarios y los existentes?
  3. ¿ Es fácil de manejarse para un usuario inexperimentado en tu metaverso?
    Gracias por tus respuestas.

Hola @AiMAce como nuevo proyecto, me gustaría hacerte unas preguntas pensando en usuarios nuevos en el foro y personas que empiezan en este mundo.

  1. Cuentanos con brevedad tu trabajo.
  2. ¿Qué beneficios aporta a los nuevos usuarios y usuarios existentes, a corto, medio y largo plazo.
  3. ¿ A dónde pretendes llegar con tu proyecto?
    Gracias por tus respuestas.

@im_31 hola, como proyecto nuevo presentado en la pista eco-friendly, me gustaría hacerte unas preguntas para los usuarios nuevos, o personas que les interesa este mundo pero aún no están decididos a entrar.

  1. Explica con brevedad tu proyecto
  2. ¿ En qué benficia tu trabajo y a quién ?
  3. Tiene caso de uso real para un usuario nuevo o existente.
    Gracias por tus respuestas.

Hola Antnio,

Thanks for reaching out. Let me try to answer your questions below:

  1. Briefly define your project.
    The challenge here is in the word briefly, but let us try to do our best…

The TuruVerse is the MetaVerse hub for all (gamers, businesses, entrepreneurs, shoppers, students and others).
After a fast and simple registration process, users can immediately access the various entertainment options available on TuruVerse.
TuruVerse is powered by a MultiChain Blockchain solution to ensure a safe and stable entertainment experience for the users.
Users don’t need to know anything about cryptocurrency to participate in TuruVerse’s activities. Just enjoy, play, learn and earn in the TuruVerse.
2. What do we offer?
We offer an easy onboarding to our platform. It is a place for everybody and you can go there for a lot of different purposes.
3. Is it easy to navigate?
Yes, you will be able to wal around and explore. We have a wide range of area’s with its own atmosphere and specifics. You can play simple Arcade games in our Arcade, enter our Parcours game or our TuruHunt game. We try to expand continuously with more and more games and experiences to keep the TuruVerse fun and engaging.
Also we are working on cooperations with projects to either onboard their communities or to give exposure to their games…


Gracias por tu explicación, sois geniales.

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Nice one, keep it up. I’m so excited to see spot trading integrated into your platform and that has remained my best. Keep building :fire:

Yeah, that is a great initiative he started. I have a similar idea but wanted to implement it during the next hackathon where I will run an interview with project owners to shed more light on their projects. Little did i know that @antonio already have this running. Kudos to him :clap:

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Can you further explain to us how your potential users can profit from an early artists after investing in them and how such investment could be made?

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All good.
It’s to the benefits of our community.
Kudos to everyone

You can invest in any artist by buying their NFTs. As the artist gets recognised and if the NFT is premium you will get a higher price for that NFT. We have other plans as well to invest in artists but that is not introduced in this hackathon and will finalize it and let the community know about that.

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Hey @antonio.
Thank you so much for reaching out to us. Let me try to answer your questions.

  1. Briefly explain your project
    CarboEx is a blockchain-based platform that facilitates carbon credit trading in a decentralized marketplace. The platform eliminates intermediaries and reduces transaction costs by automating the exchange of carbon credits using smart contracts.
    Organizations can upload their RE certificates, which are verified by the platform’s DAO, to be converted into carbon credits using platform tokens. This incentivizes organizations to offset more carbon emissions than required and enables others to buy carbon credits to be accountable for their carbon footprint while avoiding regulatory penalties.

  2. How does your work benefit and who?
    Our work benefits a wide range of stakeholders, including businesses, organizations, and individuals who are interested in reducing their carbon footprint and promoting sustainability. By providing a marketplace for the trading of carbon credits and renewable energy certificates, we help promote the use of renewable energy and incentivize the reduction of carbon emissions.

  3. It has a real use case for a new or existing user.
    Our platform has a real use case for both new and existing users. For new users as well as for existing users, our platform provides a marketplace for the trading of carbon credits and renewable energy certificates, which can help them achieve their sustainability goals and generate additional revenue. Additionally, our platform provides valuable data and insights that can be used to improve sustainability performance and make informed decisions about resource use.

Hope this explains your questions.


Gracias por su respuesta, les deseo suerte.


Do you not care that this may have a negative spell on your project as users will always want to do things out of their will and not because they are being compelled to do such. Is there no how users can be incentivize/motivated to use those protocols order than through compulsion?

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I would be much interested in knowing what other plans it is that can incentivize the community by investing in an early artists but seems you’re not ready to share it now, so I will allow you the time to work on your plans and let the community know when it’s convenient for the team. But before then, will it be possible for the investors to benefit from concerts of those early artists. I’m not certain if you understand what I’m trying to say but let me know if you don’t so that I can find other ways of explaining it to you better.

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@G.Veyron Hola como nuevo creador en este hackathon, me gustaría hacerle unas preguntas, para los nuevos usuarios que entrarán en el foro y para personas que no están familiarizadas con este entorno pero se sienten atraidas.

  1. Explique con brevedad su proyecto de una manera fácil para que todos lo puedan entender.
  2. ¿ A quien beneficia su trabajo ?
  3. ¿ Su web es de fácil manejo y acceso para un principiante?
    Gracias, por sus respuestas.

Hola @ElfWeb como creador nuevo en este hackathon, me gustaría hacerte unas preguntas, para usuarios nuevos o personas que están interesadas en este mundo.

  1. Describe con brevedad tu trabajo
  2. ¿ Qué experiencia obtiene el usuario al recorrer tu web ?
  3. ¿ Tiene caso de uso ?
    $. ¿ En qué se diferencia de los otros proyectos ya existentes?
    Gracias, por tus respuestas.