Jumble Dude v2 By Mandy - A wacky web3 adventure

my always pleasure :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks a lot and same best wishes for you.

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Hello everyone,
Some graphics glitch are fixed and updated in game.

Thank you

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The special powers like super jumps and speed boosts make the game exciting and unpredictable.

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Yes thanks a lot for in depth gaming experience and we are adding more…!

Respected @admin.hackathon @support.hackathon @SimbadMarino , @adeel , @aziztron and all the community members !

we have launched this game on Mainnet and as well available on Testnet.
Links : Mainnet | Testnet

For more information kindly check main post.

Thank you all for the support !


Jump, run, and stumble through levels that are full of laughs and excitement! Perfect for hours of fun.

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Adding @adeel & @aziztron thanks for the update @Mandy !


Thank you so much @SimbadMarino @mahreenzahoor384

always my pleasure. you are doing good

focus on laughter and joy sets it apart from other blockchain games, making it more engaging and enjoyable. Great work on creating something so innovative and fun! :tada:

:video_game: Adding blockchain security ensures that players can truly own their in-game assets, which is a fantastic touch.

@SimbadMarino plz take a look at this account @mahreenzahoor384 is he a bot I see he been passing pointless comments to many projects here :sweat_smile:


For sure he is a bot. I have flagged his comments many times.


I felt same because getting random generated post about project like AI response :sweat_smile:


Someone missed the winners announcement post and forgot to turn it off :see_no_evil::laughing:

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Hey Mandy sorry to say but about 40 percent comments on your post are from @mahreenzahoor384 :joy: .Maybe He/She loves you a lot or anything else?

And you are replying to his every comments so 80 percent talk is between you and him/her :joy: Whats happening here @fabsltsa @SimbadMarino
It’s little funny :grinning:

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I wish could have knowledge about it so I definitely had tried :joy::joy::joy::joy:

You’re being unfair, only 64% :grin: