JustInSure | Decentralized-insurance-market-platform

Allowing users to have a say in decisions makes the platform more democratic and community-driven.

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Hey Everyone, We are happy to share that we are live on BTTC Mainnet! :rocket:

Live Application

Access the live app here: http://www.justinsuredapp.xyz/

Smart Contract Details

1. justinsureInterface



@admin.hackathon @SimbadMarino


@jriyyya Could you please confirm http://www.justinsuredapp.xyz/ is pointing to mainnet?
When I am switching to mainnet I am seeing “Wrong network”. Thanks.

Congratulations on your successful migration to mainnet, first off.

Thanks for pointing this out, I forgot to change the primary chainID :smiling_face_with_tear:, Working as expected now!

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Thanks team for your hard work and reaching the Mainnet milestone! :slight_smile:

Keep us posted in your socials and forum about your project!!

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JustInsure is an amazing idea that uses blockchain to make insurance simpler more transparent :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you so much for the information! We’ll be sure to stay updated. We’re also attending Taipei Blockchain Week and noticed that TRON is listed as a sponsor. Do you know if members of the TRON community will also be attending? It would be great to connect and engage with them during the event!

Look for @HunterTRON and @StevenTRON on telegram. They go to most of the blockchain events :wink: and I’m sure they’ll be happy to talk to you guys

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How can users participate in JustInsure’s platform?

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