I am very happy and I am also pleased to announce that today 24-02-2025 mark my one year anniversary on the TronDao Forum, I have really had plenty fun time and also learn plenty stuffs from people around here, I am also very very grateful to have come across @manfred_jr @Prince-Onscolo @Nweke-nature1.com @NnadumeR @fabsltsa @Gordian @Youngyuppie etc
So fast, congratulations
Awesome work! congratz
Congratulations Dear. All the best.
Congrats on 1 year!
We’re still on our journey to Level 1, but it’s awesome to see some ogs in this forum.
A journey of a thousands miles begins with a step, keep it up, congratulations
Happy anniversary Valerie!
Congratulations on your journey so far, I must commend how you’ve been so active that it so feels to me like you’ve been around since the very beginning, that’s the feeling that comes with hardwork and consistency, goodluck!
Thank you boss, I appreciate
Thank you very much
Thank you sir, I appreciate it
Thank you for your nice words, it is good to grow gradually, I have been active but I do not see myself as og, I will leave the title for @manfred_jr @Prince-Onscolo @Nweke-nature1.com @Gordian @Youngyuppie @fabsltsa and the rest, thank you
Thank you sir, I appreciate it very well
Thank you sir, it is well appreciated
most welcome dear
It feels like it’s been decades you joined the forum. Your contributions are of great values. Keep doing what you do here and congratulations on your one year anniversary
You are highly welcome, all the best
Thank you very much for the kind words I appreciate it