Next Season : Suggestions for Improvements

I don’t know if your idea of milestones was for instance:

  • having xxx TVL
  • having xxx monthly users.

I think milestones would be for instance:

  • being on mainnet and running properly
  • adding some options/features

Hola, creo que eso sería muy bueno, realizar un hoja de ruta del proyecto, con sus etapas finalizadas y hacer un seguimiento para que siga adelante.
En cuanto a que estén en la red principal sería perfecto y poder testar los proyectos la comunidad.

Ideally I would prefer that projects get on mainnet before the end of the hackathon. But if it’s not a requirement to get to the voting stage, I think it should be a milestone to get a part of the fund :+1:

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Concuerdo contigo, así se tendrían proyectos con uso y no humo.

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Poll added, don’t forget to vote :wink:

It’s good to see that you’re collecting feedback to improve.
Tron Hackathons are currently the biggest, and I believe they will stay like that this way.

Small suggestion from me from my experience in other hackathons in this niche -
Creating online workshops that teach builders, developers and creators how build an healthy project. For me, it was a game changer and good ones to watch and learn @strxfinance


Thanks for your suggestion! We agree that offering online workshops to teach builders and developers how to create healthy projects could be a game changer. It would be great to get more specific ideas on what those workshops should cover and some examples of successful ones in this niche. We believe that by engaging more with developers and supporting their projects, the TRON ecosystem can thrive. Without this support, it may struggle to survive. Do you have any specific ideas or examples in mind that you’d like to share?