Perpetual Trusted Setup Phase 2 Ceremonies at

Hi there!

I would like to share a tool I have just developed for creating perpetual phase 2 ceremonies for groth-16 zkSnark proving systems. You can find it at

A Phase 2 ceremony server might be familiar to people who keep up to date with zkRollup developments. One of the famous examples of phase 2 ceremony servers were the one developed for Polygon Nightfall or Tornado Cash had one also.

Phase 2 ceremonies are required to secure zkSnark proving systems that use Groth-16 but so far all the implementations of the proving servers I find online were circuit and project specific or they didn’t scale and didn’t work in the browser or required programming knowledge to use.

I develop multiple circuits that need this ceremony so I created a non-opinionated ceremony server that will scale to multiple users and allow synchronous contributions to help secure proving systems. The contributions are anonymous but verifiable.

Only a single contributor needs to be honest and not try to recover the secrets generated internally by the application so only a few contributions are required, but this server can scale to hundreds, with 25 users in a queue at once.

Visit to contribute to a random ceremony and contact me if you are interested in running a ceremony as I can host one for you.

Feel free to fork and PRs are welcome. You can find the link to github on the website.

The website might go down sometimes but I plan to keep it online as long as there is something to contribute to.

If you are developing zkRollups, zkBridges, zkDapps or something else and exciting you might need this and you can use it without making changes. Check it out.



May I ask why the website is down? Has the project been abandoned?

There are no ongoing ceremonies and the server is down.

Here you can find the repository, which is the important part:

If you are interested in a ceremony, you need to open a pull request and I can host it for you.

Contact me on telegram

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