Tokeniz :- Giving Value To NFTs

Project name:- Tokeniz
Track: - NFT
Name:- Ankit Mawle
Dhanvanti bhavsar
Team size:- 2
Devpost project:-
git :- GitHub - ankitmawle/Tokeniz: Giving Value To NFTs


There are three stories those inspired us to develop Tokeniz.

  1. Being a Blockchain developer I wanted to give a crypto gift to a friend of mine for her birthday, but after going through various NFT it was evident that she being new to the crypto world it would be harder for her to actually use the NFT for any purpose plus she would have to sell it to someone else to actually make any use of it, So I need something that would be like a NFT with meta data and stuff as well as will also have some intrinsic value which could be used.
  2. I had a friend who brought a token on the first day of an 6 month long ICO coin, although people were buying them at 10time the price he brought them after a month or so, but since it was not listed on any dex it was hard for him cash out when he was in need. Although he was will to forgo the tokens for half the price people were buying them for, on P2P market. but some who find found on internet who wanted to buy couldn’t find a base trust point in the transaction to happen.
  3. I was window shopping on amazon, and also checking some private online stores selling merchandise, and wondered how many people will onboard on to Web3 if buying crypto beacame as easy as buying something on Amazon

What it does

Tokeniz tries to solve all the above mentioned problems with a single solution.

  1. It provides a platform to lock multiple ERC20 tokens inside of a contract linked with the NFT tokens, behaving as a virtual wallet. Once the NFT is transferred the tokens are transferred accordingly.
  2. You can unpack your tokens anytime from the NFT or sell it with tokens or list it at any NFT Market place.
  3. Each Token is unique and hence users will be able to add their own meta data or images to wish or state purpose of the NFT, thus making it a perfect gift for any occasions.
  4. Similarly you can also sell unlisted token inside an NFT where the locked amount could be verified on chain Thus allowing Trustless P2P transaction.
  5. We can also integrate the NFT to unpack automatically on transfer and pack gas fee coins, which seller can add while minting the NFT which they can sell from their own ecommerce platform, and the transfer can be initiated, thus making getting into web3 similar to buying a eBook.

How we built it

We used remix to create a smart contract, where we modified ERC721 smart contract to generate supporting contract when a NFT is minted and also to add tokens to the NFT.
Then We developed a basic HTML, CSS, JS based website, and used ether.js to interact with the smart contract and achieve Tokeniz

Challenges we ran into

We ran into multiple challenges

  1. TronIDE is not able to import git based code inherently on import
  2. BTTC Test failing to connect multiple times
  3. Issues with Smart contract exceeding size limitations
    But we were able to tackle most of them

Accomplishments that we’re proud of

We are proud to provide something new to the Blockchain ecosystem, And we plan at taking this to much higher levels

What we learned

We learned a lot about upcoming technologies, new initiatives live almost free transaction on tron based on energy, etc.
We also learned that thinking about small things in details can have massive benefits

What’s next for Tokeniz

We have a road map read for Tokeniz which consists of developing a complete ecosystem around Tokeniz, with our own marketplace, Gift Shoppe, as well as a Ecommerce like web3 onboarding platform


Find the new major update here

Earlier we were posting updates as new posts on this this, now that that posts to the topics are growing, I would like to link the updates here so you can go through it as part ot the project and not just a comment


Many More Use Cases yet to be found out, We will be continuously updating the Tokeniz platform and venturing in a lot of use cases and making web3 more acceptable, and easier to interact with

  • Please Provide your feedback and suggestions, also if you have any use cases which can be benefitted with Tokeniz We would be happy to integrate them


Here is a short video demonstrating Tokeniz capabilities, Full video will all capabilities coming soon


I think we could set up your NFT project on the Linknred marketplace.

We are competing in the WEB3 segment with an e-commerce and an ERP: e-Plus.

If you think we can do something as a team, count on us.

I wish you success in your project


Interesting idea, will be watching. Good luck!


Thank you Javier,
I would like to know more about the Market place you are talking about, and I would be more than happy to launch tokeniz there.

I would love to work with you.
I don’t know if I am allowed to share private contact details on threads, or how I can send you a private message here on the community.

Let me checkout with the community guidelines and I will reach back to you.
Looking forward to discuss our future collaborations


Thankyou Metavester P2E for your support.
I hope to provide the community with something different and new.
I am planning to update a new roadmap for Tokeniz for faster development.
Please keep supporting us, and share your valuable suggestions…


Here you can find more information about the e-commerce I am talking about.

It is a link to the Hackathon Season1

I think we can collaborate both teams :muscle:

Much success.


Please note that the video provided here was recorded on rinkeby test network, since we were facing issues connecting to bttc test network, and we were running late for submissions on devpost.
The contract was intented to be deployed on bttc network, as well as tron network which supported energy free transactions with locked trx.

We will be uploading complete features video, with bttc deployment as well as tron deployment link soon.
We will also be updating a lot of UI as soon as possible.


I am excited to share this with everyone,
We acquired just now. will be the official site for tokeniz project moving forward,
we will be rolling in New updated UI and some basic features as MVP on testnet shortly on the new domain.


For the time we are developing the new UI and smart contract, here is a video explaining the basic packing and unpacking of token on website Tokeniz:- Giving NFTs Value - YouTube


Please Support Tokeniz by Giving a Vote at project no #N25 Tokeniz on the the voting protal,


It’s something new apart from all the generic idea we see in NFTs . Looking forward for a great future with tokeniz​:+1::tada:


Thank you very much for your support,
Hope you a have a great time with Tokeniz


Cool idea, and it’s definitely something I haven’t seen before!


Thank you @SiLi,
Please provide us with your valuable suggestions, and help us grow.
Also Don’t forget to give us your vote in NFT track
Our Project is #N25 Tokeniz:- Giving value to NFTs


When are you planning to launch it on mainnet,
Have you finalized any time line


Great and impressive idea


Yes, we have a tentative timeline finalized, but can’t say about specific dates, yet.

In reality our plans for Tokeniz are quite big, which includes a separate Tokeniz marketplace for Tokeniz like tokens, an Ecommerce like platform for NFTs, as well as an Exchange(we are also looking into integrating with @JavierGarza Link n Red), A community forum, DAO, Tokeniz tokens to be used as a currency for minting Tokeniz and transacting, and much more…

We plan at launching Tokeniz with some of the above mentioned features on mainnet by the September 2022, and then take Tokeniz on a full drive, Throttling upwards with new features as well as updates


Will be keeping a watch, good luck for your development goals