PowerXchange - Global democratization of the energy market in a way where people have access to the energy they need, can participate directly in energy markets and improve their lives and the lives of others

yes the main Idea for choosing is that I’m from India itself and I’m fully aware of electric markets in India and second most important thing is I’m more familiar in finance market in India which will make my development process mush easier as I have plenty of other works to do as well, I thing as we are working on crypto itself, it is not limited to India anybody in the world can make use of it! so any suggestion on this will be help-full.

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I’m researching on that only currently I’m more focus in basic UI now any suggestion on what will be efficient way for integrating will be help-full!

I did not know about what nitron does but I have taken inspiration from power ledger and looking to build project around the same problem not as big as they are now but looking to solve mini problems first. thanks for knowing me that nitron energy is also their will take some inspiration from them also

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when companies in more developed nations wants to full fill their green energy needs so they generally buys green (generated from renewable sources) power in cheaper countries like India so in India their are many grid (commercial) which are developed with solar panels to full-fill this need so my solution here is my only commercial grid sell this why not normal people who have their own solar panels on their home can sell so I think you understand now why this is important! thanks for asking let me know if you have questions😊.

SS is just high-level of things might be provided in main application after full development is completed.

Thanks brother😊 working on it as fast as possible!

Please in what way will powerxchange merge with existing energy trading infrastructure in India.

I see ,…so with powerXchange you will integrate cross border trading of energy :zap: services right?