PrisonCoin by TEAMPC

Project Name : PrisonCoin

Project Track : DeFi

Team Name : TeamPC

Team Member(s) : (3) Aaron, Elven, Runbin

Website Project Link : (

Project Goal: Prison systems are private, greedy, and non-transparent. Prisons claim to pay prisoners fair wages, but they do not. We need a way to hold prisons accountable and truthful.
Project Value: To combat this, we have come up with PrisonCoin, a system that
should be implemented into the prison system to promote transparency and financial power to inmates.

Project Info :
PrisonCoin.pdf (189.9 KB)

Smart Contract Link: TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器

GitHub Repository: TRONProject/TRONProject at main · arcaaron/TRONProject · GitHub


welcome team, I hope you are preparing to come. I like the goal, waiting to know more

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Pay prisoners wages? This is definitely not in my country :joy:

Welcome to hackaTron S7 by the way. How do you plan to integrate with the existing prison system to achieve your project goal?

How can PrisonCoin enhance transparency and accountability in the prison system while ensuring that inmates receive fair compensation for their work?

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Welcome to the Hackathon of season 7, I am very well waiting for you’re updates, thank you

Keeping fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t2: as to when you come up with a complete submission of your project.

What mechanisms will be in place to hold private prison systems accountable for fair wages?

This is a great idea! PrisonCoin focuses on an important issue by promoting honesty in the prison system. One suggestion is to include features that make sure prisons are held accountable. Also, since there’s no live link or DevPost right now, creating a simple webpage could help get interest and feedback. What do you think?