Site navigation and voting difficulty

I found navigation the site to be difficult and the process for gaining basic level in order vote unnecessarily difficult. Two hours of reading and interactions to get basic level is too much to ask of ordinary community members. Do you expect community member participation if you require two hours of there time and perform various tasks? Maybe half hours at the most.
Additionally, it was difficult finding where to vote off the TronDAO site. Going to the HackaThon area doesn’t directly let you see the voting area. You only see a bunch of topics from various projects. If you find the project you happen to like and want to vote on you don’t necessarily have a link to vote or a button to vote. Not project that posted on devpost put up a link to vote or have a voting button included in their submission. If you search “vote” you get to the list of projects with discussions.
The community voting process should be made so much easier.

Decrease basic level requirements.
At front page of TronDAO have a VOTE button taking members to The devpost where they can vote and read through all the various projects.


Nice observation and suggestions :+1:


That’s absolutely true, it is very frustrating to upgrade to trust level 1


I agree with this post


So true. It takes too long to read and find the right topic and button


Will have to agree with you, I have earned 9 badges have scrolled through hours of reading material although most articles are informative and brings a new light on new projects on the TronNetwork I still have not earned my basic badge, which means I can’t actually support my chosen investments


yes, is true! Complication with vote


Just open a this topic or any other topic you haven’t opened earlier and you would have your basic badge just for @SunSeeker69


Read this post if you are still facing issues

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Agreed it can be a little taxing but atleast we know who really wants to here :grin:


i am on day 2 and still not able to vote

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Yea you need to b get the basic badge to vote :blush:


You need to spend more time reading than just scrolling through the posts to receive the badge.
Plus try to read as many different topics as you can than just sticking to a single topic


I love the way they did. I can’t stand anymore bots there and there.

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2hrs reading posts and i cant even vote yet :frowning_face:

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bro you joined just 2 hours ago. You are in hurry take the time


I agree with this post :thinking:

agree with you… :+1: trust_level for voting should be easy to achieve for new members…


Yeah it’s a bit all hard to try working out how to vote for someone new to this site.

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I agree with you. Its important verify our humanity, but maybe it to much