SunTube | Watch videos and tip top Creators

Project Name: SunTube
Project Track: Web3
Team Name: SunTubeDevs
Team Member(s): 3
DevPost Project Link: [updating soon]
Project Goal: SunTube aims to create a decentralized video-sharing platform, where users can upload, stream, and interact with video content directly on the BitTorrent network, utilizing BTFS for data storage. This eliminates the need for centralized servers, providing users with censorship-resistant, secure, and transparent content sharing.

Project Value: By integrating with blockchain technology, SunTube decentralizes the entire video-sharing experience, giving power back to the users. Content creators have full ownership over their content, and users benefit from improved privacy, fewer restrictions, and a peer-to-peer model that enhances content distribution efficiency. BTFS ensures files are stored securely and immutably, making the platform more resilient.

Project Info: ppt coming soon

Project Website: updating soon

Project Test Instructions:

  • Visit the SunTube platform at [updating soon].
  • Create an account or use a demo account provided [updating soon].
  • Upload a video by selecting a file (it will be stored via BTFS).
  • View, like, and comment on videos from other users to test interactions.
  • Use your TRONLikk wallet to tip creators via SunTube’s built-in tipping feature (BTT tokens).
  • Provide feedback through the feedback section.

Project Details:
unTube reimagines the traditional video-sharing model by decentralizing storage and sharing. BTFS is used for storing video data, ensuring that no single entity can control or censor content. SunTube also allows users to monetize their content with TRX tokens, offering a fair revenue model directly between users and creators. The platform focuses on privacy, freedom of expression, and seamless streaming through the power of BitTorrent’s decentralized infrastructure.

Smart Contract links: [Link to smart contracts if applicable. Can either be on TRON/BTTC testnet or mainnet]

Project Milestones:

  • Week 1: Initial development and deployment of SunTube platform basics (upload, view, and interact features). :white_check_mark:
  • Week 2: Smart contract integration for tipping and content monetization.:white_check_mark:
  • Week 3: Deployment and project showcase
  • Week 4: Beta testing with community feedback and improvements.

Welcome to hackaTron S7! It seems we are about moving from YouTube to SunTune, that sounds interesting :grinning: How are you going to incentivize content creators to attract them to SunTube?

Again, how are you going to ensure the quality of the contents posted on SunTube to maintain its relevance?

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Thanks for your interest. To begin with we only plan to have a tipping feature for creator monetization, but as we gain traction, we will definitely build features around ad monetization as well. But also as of now, we are planning to add a brand-collaboration dashboard where dapps can collaborate with top creators to promote their applications as well as creators can earn money

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Hello SunTube, nice name I hope you don’t waste the project name.

Waiting more details, but I spotted something.

The Btt token still gonna be compatible with Tronlink wallet? Or you will have wallet connection for metamask.

For decentralized storage(BTFS) we have some project projects entry for that. But you can check out RentHub BTFS: The one-stop solution to your BTFS needs.

All the best.


Welcome to hackathon session 7
Your project looks interesting but in terms of security and privacy, what steps have you put in place in protecting data of user’s and prevent breaches.

What ways are you going to handle the large numbers of video content and user interactions.

How will you address potential network congestion particularly in regions with limited internet infrastructure.

[quote=“Andrea121, post:1, topic:27813”]
unTube reimagines the traditional video-sharing model by decentralizing storage and sharing. BTFS is used for storing video data, ensuring that no single entity can control or censor content. SunTube also allows users to monetize their content with TRX tokens, offering a fair revenue model directly between users and creators. The platform focuses on privacy, freedom of expression, and seamless streaming through the power of BitTorrent’s decentralized

How does unTube’s use of BTFS enhance content security and user privacy compared to traditional video-sharing platforms?

How does unTube’s use of BTFS enhance content security and user privacy compared to traditional video-sharing platforms?

Welcome to Grand hackathon S7,
Is there any campaign you are planning to attract the masses to suntube?
What makes suntube more special than YouTube, does suntube has the structure to outshine YouTube
Also as @Gordian said how do you involve btt with tronlink :thinking:

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Welcome to the Hackathon of season 7, I have read everything in your project and I will like to know, how are you going to handle all the inappropriate and very harmful content, thank you

Welcome to Hackathon Season 7, beyond tipping, are there plans to implement advertising or subscription models?

hii welcome to heckathon ! Great project! One small suggestion would be to add a live link and the DevPost link as soon as possible. It will make it easier for the community to try out the platform and provide more detailed feedback and suggestions. Looking forward to seeing how SunTube evolves!

:raised_hands: Great job this month! I just dropped a like on your project. If you haven’t yet, feel free to check ours out and show us some love. Voting starts tomorrow—let’s support each other! :muscle:

How does SunTube make sure creators own their videos? How can they earn money with TRX tokens?