Tnftmaker creators platform

Gracias por la información, miraré su video.
En cuanto al tema de crear un blog me parece perfecto, una sugerencia sería posible incluir dentro de este, usuarios que pudieran escribir sus experiencias en su plataforma.


Advantages :

  1. TNFT MAKER is a very simple and easy to use platform.

  2. user’s can Create NFT smart contract in few clicks (Just need to have basic knowledge about NFTs)

  3. we offer many customisation options so user’s can choose according to their preference.

  4. we also created a dashboard where user’s track their collection and also make changes to Contract.

  5. TNFT Maker is completely free user’s just need to pay network fee to deploy contract on Main net.


Best wishes :+1: you got my vote :ballot_box:

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Thanks @Azrailgazresmi @kaarasamuel9 @Deba215 for wishes :raised_hands:


Wow you guys have alot to offer. Wishing you all the best.


Great project, Good luck Cubie Team


Oops, it’s a very sweet site, do you have a chance to add a section such as user instructions to your site? Then it would be much more descriptive and user friendly :ocean: :blue_heart:

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Hi @Aurora yes we are working on it. we will add user instructions to site in few days. I will share update here when it’s done.

Thank you :raised_hands:

Okayyy, eagerly waiting for it :pray:

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Until then here is a video tutorial on TNFT MAKER

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Hi @antonio great idea we will work on it and users will be able to share their feedback directly through our site.

Thank you :raised_hands:

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Me parece perfecto, gracias.

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Thank you for sharing. Keep it going. Will like to see more feedback and more building this.

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