Today 22 March is World Water Day

Hey everyone, guess what? It’s World Water Day today! Let’s take a moment to really think about how much water means to all of us. I mean, it’s not just about having something to drink, right? Water keeps everything going, from our farms to our factories.

But here’s the kicker: not everyone has it as easy as turning on a tap. In places like Africa, getting clean water can be a real challenge. That’s why on days like today, it’s not just about celebrating water, but also about thinking how we can help out. Whether it’s saving water at home, chipping in for water projects, or even just talking about it, every little bit helps. So let’s raise a glass (of water, of course!) to World Water Day and all the good it can do! :droplet::sparkles:

“Safe drinking water is denied to far too many people. […] We need to restore water’s life-affirming qualities for everyone, […] to ensure peace and prosperity.”

Prof. Mark Zeitoun, Director General, Geneva Water Hub


This season hoping to see projects which includes and works over water concept :pray:


Hey Buddy, Happy World Water Day
Water keeps the world clean and ongoing smoothly.
Water brings life and growth. Everyone needs water.

I do make my habits to drinking much water to help my body metabolism.
And a day I run out of water, I would just get angry.
Trust you had a glass of clean water today?


This reminds me of a mr.beast video with water.


oh nice, have to start building wells for some people. Good thing is that we have one well at our house and that’s where all our neighbors fetch water especially those without government water supply.


Water is life. You give me water then you giving me life. Water in my place is clean and affordable. But we have some places that their water is not clean and it a problem.


God bless your for helping give water to more people to your neighbors. I am always comfortable to have my water storage filled.


So happy to see the rural city have access to clean water. God will bless him. Something that the government of that place should do.


I am happy for a day like this, when the importance of clean water is both advocate and equally celebrated.

With African being a major hit for unsafe water consumption, I’m grateful to God for the opportunity of having a clean water as I keep on with my project of extending this to other people


I literally watched it yesterday ahaha such a coincidence :sweat_smile:


@Gordian @Prince-Onscolo @Relate101 @Youngyuppie thank you for sharing your thoughts over this important day


You are all welcome @NataliaLi @Relate101


Thank you for creating this awareness

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Happy water day, indeed water has no enemy and water is life

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Always anytime, I thank you as well :smiling_face::smiling_face:

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Good job buddy but please :pray: we need some in Nigeria because getting a good water is difficult.

Water is an important resource of life and a huge part of our ecosystem and living as humans.


Over here in cameroon we do not have rights to good water in some places so one of my goals in the future is to provide good drinking water to different communities through crypto

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