TriAd Contest: Test our platform and win TRX

Recently we improved the UI of our project TriAd.

And want you guys to play around with the platform by creating advertisements for your projects, creating a publisher account and other operations.

Demo Video:

The advertisement with the highest impressions will stand a chance to win some TRX.

Please provide feedback, improvements and suggestions. It will be very helpful to us.

Your efforts will be appreciated.


lol i see “Doodh mango ge to kheer denge” :smile: in your demo video


It is an ad from Zomato, :sweat_smile:.

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I appreciate the effort you have put into improving the UI of the TriAd project.
It is essential to have a user-friendly interface to encourage users to engage with the platform.

In terms of feedback, I suggest adding more detailed instructions on how to create advertisements for projects and set up a publisher account. Clear and concise steps will help users navigate the platform more easily.

Incorporating tutorials or video guides could be beneficial for users who are new to the platform and need guidance on how to utilize its features effectively.

As for improvements, consider adding features such as analytics tools to track the performance of advertisements, targeting options for advertisers to reach their desired audience, and payment options that are secure and convenient for users.

Overall, creating a seamless and efficient user experience will be essential for the success of the TriAd project.
Keep up the good work, and I look forward to seeing how the platform evolves in the future.

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chatgpt god ! hehehe


I hired ChatGPT as an intern to build UI :wink:

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hey im not taliking about you lol

i was talking about this :slight_smile:

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Got it :saluting_face:. You have an incredible eye for detail; I really appreciate that.

Lols, so annoying to have human bot chatgpt

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Congratulations on making it to the community voting stage, goodluck on everything.

How to please? Is there any tutorials you could recommend?

You can try out the project at:
Demo video for advertisement creation:

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Is Klever 5 wallet also a compatible wallet for this trial so I’d just use the dapp in app.

I will participate after watching the video, thank you

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Hello. Your app is running on Testnet or Mainnet ?
What do you mean “test our platform and win TRX” ? are talking about real TRX or testnet ?

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App is on testnet, but you will get real TRX.

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Right now only TronLink is compatible.

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I’d have that set-up asap

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I see people from india😅