TRON Grand Hackathon 2022 - It's voting time!

GameFi Projects

You may vote up to three projects for the GameFi track. Results will be shown after you have voted.

#G1 FirstWave by FirstWave - MMO Horror Sci-fi NFT GameFi Play-to-Earn +16
#G2 Siren- Assistance of DOTA2 (MOBA GAMING) on blockchain using AI - GameFI
#G3 Open source hardware projects design GameFi by 451PCB - A game to win rewards designing Open Source Hardware projects
#G4 Meta Insurgent - 1st VR-Metaverse Person Shooter (FPS)
#G5 Quizarena by Team Quiz Arena - A Learning Journey into Metaverse
#G6 Create & Play in Metawnr
#G7 Panini Sport Manager-GameFi
#G8 MONIWAR - The Biggest Idle Epic Puzzle Game On Blockchain
#G9 TronNinja Arcade by the TronNinja Team - Play, Earn, Stake!
#G10 Tron Town Metaverse

Entries for GameFi Track
  • #G1 FirstWave by FirstWave - MMO Horror Sci-fi NFT GameFi Play-to-Earn +16
  • #G2 Siren- Assistance of DOTA2 (MOBA GAMING) on blockchain using AI - GameFI
  • #G3 Open source hardware projects design GameFi by 451PCB - A game to win rewards designing Open Source Hardware projects
  • #G4 Meta Insurgent - 1st VR-Metaverse Person Shooter (FPS)
  • #G5 Quizarena by Team Quiz Arena - A Learning Journey into Metaverse
  • #G6 Create & Play in Metawnr
  • #G7 Panini Sport Manager-GameFi
  • #G8 MONIWAR - The Biggest Idle Epic Puzzle Game On Blockchain
  • #G9 TronNinja Arcade by the TronNinja Team - Play, Earn, Stake!
  • #G10 Tron Town Metaverse

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