TRON Grand Hackathon 2022 Season Two

@Adshares We received your DM and also reply you back. Welcome to the Hackathon!
@TronWeeklyJournal Ok, we have recorded your DevPost username as info186. You are good to go.

@minisounds @iamminci @ToyoDev @dzoni-hash You guys have also been added to the group. We don’t have much time left so make sure to make your project post ASAP to this category -

@alexbakers Don’t worry, we still have TRON Grand Hackathon 2022 Season 3 coming up around September. Stay tuned!


how do I get permission to create hackathon post? My devpost username is iphyman

You have been added to the hackathon group so you may now create your post.
Please make sure to create a new topic at
Hackathon 2022 Season 2


Hi @admin.hackathon, Please add Devpost Username (Harsh8196)

whats up, can i get hackathon category access? devpost username is kaseman1337

@admin.hackathon Hi there! DevPost username is pixelskullbrand, we’re under the NFT category.

Can you give me the hackathon category access? My DevPost user name is crypto-diablos

Hello @admin.hackathon,
Our Devpost username is - nftmoments22 - and we are ready to post our project. Please add us to the TRON Hack 2 Season at NFT Category. Thanks:)

Hello @admin.hackathon
My Devpost username is nftenthusiast

Hey @admin.hackathon ! I have just joined the Tron hackathon on DevPost and we are willing to create a post about our project in the forum.

My Devpost username is accesovip123

Thank you in advance!

Good to see more hackathon participants joining!
@Harsh8196 @kaseman1337 @CaptainCz4r @cryptodiablo @NFTmoments @nftenthusiast @accesovip123 you are now in the Hackathon group.

Deadline is approaching so make sure to submit to the right category to be eligible.
Again, you should be posting to
Hackathon 2022 Season 2
and follow the given project template.

All the best to you all!


Hello, I would like to join (last minute) to the TRON Grand Hackathon 2022 season 2, Devpost user: jvera with the project: usdt-point-of-sale

Thank you very much:) We will submit in time)

Okay thanks! I’ve created a post but apparently its awaiting approval right now

@technoprepay You are now in the group. Feel free to start posting your project post to Hackathon 2022 Season 2 category!

@NFTmoments Looking forward to seeing your project!

@ToyoDev Your project post is now approved. You actually posted to the incorrect Hackathon projects category which we used for S1. We have moved it to the S2 category. Please check and make sure everything is alright. P.S. Adding some images and videos in the post may attract more users =)

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Hey @admin.hackathon , My devpost username: FerumFlex

Hi @ferumflex, you have been added to the Hackathon group.
Make sure to create your project post to the Hackathon 2022 Season 2 category ASAP. Thanks!

I joined the Tron hackathon on DevPost. My username is Shr1ftyy

Best wishes to all the participants :+1::+1:

@shr1ftyy You are all good to go. Make sure to post ASAP to the Hackathon 2022 Season 2 category and follow the given project template. Thanks!

@Deba215 Thanks for showing support! Maybe you can join us in the upcoming Hackathon S3? :grinning:

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