Hello Admin My Name is Elvolution Ebuzoaju (@Elvolution20) And i would love to be part of this hackathon
@TBlocksW Yes, a pure Ethereum project must go on the Ecosystem track only. If you convert a project to BTTC or TRON, then it can be submitted to Web3, NFT, DeFi or GameFi. But you can’t submit the same project (after conversion) to multiple tracks like the Ecosystem Track and one of the four tracks otherwise the project will be marked as ineligible. Please make sure to submit the project to the most relevant track. Thank you.
@grace55 @elvolution You are now in the Hackathon group!
Please make sure to share your project in the Hackathon Season 3 - TRON DAO Forum category to be eligible for S3. You will be given a project template to follow once you have selected the correct category to post on. Thanks!
A Request to be added to the Hackathon group on the forum, thanks
Username: amazing.vive
Already registered
You have been added to the Hackathon group @amazing.vive
Just a reminder that you will have to create a project post in the Hackathon Season 3 - TRON DAO Forum category that describe your project. You will be given a project template to follow once you have selected the correct category to post on.
Looking forward to seeing your project post on the forum!
Hey @admin.hackathon! We would like to enter the Tron Grand Hackathon Season 3 as Cruzo.io Startup, we have registered in DevPost under the name modus77
Hi @cruzo, you are already in the Hackathon group.
Please be reminded that you will have to create a project post in the Hackathon Season 3 - TRON DAO Forum category that describe your project. You will be given a project template to follow once you have selected the correct category to post on.
Looking forward to seeing your project here!
hello @admin.hackathon , my team and i will like to enter for the hackathon.
devpost username → chuksdav4
This forum is growing day by day, i see more wonderful projects trooping in. It will be a wonderful season. May the forces be with everyone that submitted a project and hoping to make the tron blockchain an outstanding blockchain.
Looking to participate in this hackathon.
Devpost name : Manish Karki
Hi, I would like to enter Tron Grand hackathon season 3 . My devpost username is ritwikmath
@admin.hackathon I would like to enter the Tron Grand Hackathon Season 3 as JAFO Trading club my username here is Slaggy and DevPost is Rob Nickel (imfierce13) - JAFO Trading Club | Devpost
Hi there,
I would like to participate in the Hackathon.
Devpost username : TronVerse
Hi @admin.hackathon. I would like to participate in the hackathon.
username: vijay
Already registered
hello, username is xylinar on devpost, want to participate in hackathon, NFT category
Hi @admin.hackathon. I would like to participate in the hackathon. devpost username: santhaug
Hi. my devpost username oleksiivinogradov. Please allow me to do post
@Chuks @Kar @ronnie1 @Slaggy @TronVerse @Vijay @xylinar @santhaug @oleksiivinogradov
You have been added to the Hackathon group!
Please make sure to share your project in the Hackathon Season 3 - TRON DAO Forum category ASAP to be eligible for S3. You will be given a project template to follow once you have selected the correct category to post on. All the best!
I still can’t create posts
@admin.hackathon please add me … this is my devpost username –