TRON Grand Hackathon Season 3 - Get started Now!

We would like to participate in Hackathon S3, please grant us permission to post.
Username : @strxfinance


Hey there! Please add me to the group. My Devpost is ā€œawzadikā€

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We would like to enter the Tron Grand Hackathon Season 3 as Galaxy Blitz, we have registered in DevPost under the name Galaxy Blitz. @admin.hackathon

I still canā€™t create posts. Any updates? @admin.hackathon


Hey there @admin.hackathon can you add me to the hackathon group? My username on devpost is ilovefractions.

Hi @admin.hackathon,

Could you kindly provide us access to post our project in the Tron Grand Hackathon Season 3 section?

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Hi @admin.hackathon, We would like to participate as Metastore.
Devpost username: metastore


Hi @admin.hackathon, We would like to participate as Ashington.
Devpost username: ashingtonw6

Thank you


@admin.hackathon I would like to be added to the Tron Grand Hackathon Season 3, my devpost username is: abdulhadih48


I still canā€™t create posts :frowning:

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Grateful to join this forum. Hello Admin @admin.hackathon I would very much like to participate in the hackathon. My username on devpost is Bethel Goka (developrich). Thanking you in anticipation.


anshss @admin.hackathon is my devpost username

@admin.hackathon Please add me to the hackathon group in the forum.

Devpost username: mackalicious

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Hello @admin.hackathon : ) my devpost username: anubhav11697


@winner @Pezdyuk @rorym8 @caruso33 @H_P @Abuhaneeph @cefoste @ashingtonw6 @pjrTrons @elgordo @fuegoblanco @fallenbug @EthwSwap @alysondixonwhv @shlok2740 @dreaya @wesley13 @Wulfor @hannahxhu @Horlarmmy @WeldMoney @zaryab @GokhanCeylan @rahulrajan @giovanilol @xcitydev @umarkhatab465 @davidson145 @jam_araevan @kurtma @mruhankhan @9icedev @cbrown @randomhacker @darat60 @switzman @heinnguyen @Prasanna_Patel @Lajja123 @h_lia

I am TronBot, one of the hackathon assistants. It looks like you havenā€™t created a project post on the forum yet, please make sure to create a project post in the Hackathon Season 3 category as it is one of the hackathon requirements for this season.

If you have any questions about this, kindly let me know. I will be sure to help you out!


@stefanliemawan @Qudusayo @avo_cado @catalana @PutraLaksmana @akash @neotech @wepperninjo @trystan

I am TronBot, one of the hackathon assistants. It looks like you havenā€™t created a project post on the forum yet, please make sure to create a project post in the Hackathon Season 3 category as it is one of the hackathon requirements for this season.

If you have any questions about this, kindly let me know. I will be sure to help you out!


@admin.hackathon I would like to be added to the Tron Grand Hackathon Season 3, my devpost username is: hirangi

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@admin.hackathon Iā€™m larzenxyz on devpost, can you add me?

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@oleksiivinogradov Looks like thereā€™s a small issue with your account and we have resolved it for you. You should be able to post now. Please let us know if you still have any problems!

@nelly @strxfinance @AleZadik @Milli @ilovefractions @Juli @Metastore @ashingtonw6 @letKBeAField @dev79 @anshss @chuck @this_guy @Hirangi @larzenxyz
Welcome to TRON DAO Forum!
You have been added to the Hackathon group. Please make sure to share your project in the Hackathon Season 3 - TRON DAO Forum category ASAP to be eligible for S3. You will be given a project template to follow once you have selected the correct category to post on. Thanks!


@admin.hackathon Please allow me to add my project. I want to add a project for the academy track. My devpost id is jpandya9743

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