TRON Grand Hackathon Season 3 - Get started Now!

@admin.hackathon Hi, would please like to be added to the hackathon group (academy track) for PredicTRON (won honorable mention at Harvard hackathon last weekend)! Thanks!

Many new projects joined hackthon, hope i got some idea to make a project of mine for next hackathon.

That would be better, if there is a block chain that can solve this issue


Well to me I donā€™t see those names as a Duplicate.

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Gamers HATE NFTs, because they are mostly used for Financial Speculation, Scams and they feel that they are wronged by every company that put forward revenue against quality. We want to change that by bringing utility to the creator space, namely the gaming streaming space.


By the way, how do I actually post my project proposal @admin.hackathon ? I canā€™t see a post button on the relevant page.

Thank you for your consideration!

I would like to post this for our PredicTRON hackathon project:

Project Name: PredicTRON
Project Track: Academy/Technical
Team Member(s): 2, @awz
DevPost URL: Not required (N/A)

Project Goal: PredicTRON is a betting Dapp: the only one on TRON. Using TRONā€™s low transaction fees, high TPS, reliability, and openness, PredicTRON far surpasses the predatory & exploitative traditional betting platforms. Vision: make TRON the #1 chain for all betting entertainment.

Project Info:
PredicTRON is a betting platform that provides betting entertainment to anyone using the power of the TRON blockchain. It solves the many problems of the traditional betting platforms, stemming from decisions by predatory, opaque, unreliable casinos that statistically exploit users without much innovation.

PredicTRON solves those problems using the decentralization, openness, speed, and low TX fees of the TRON blockchain to provide users a much fairer, more accessible, and more fun experience. We analyzed the extremely fast growing pace of the betting industry, especially sports betting which has revenue worth tens of billions of dollars and is expanding at 10% projected CAGR into 2025, concluding that it was the perfect industry to expand and attract more users to TRON.

Currently, users can bet testnet tokens on their favorite NBA teamsā€™ upcoming games; we wanted to launch with sports betting because it is the most rapidly growing part of the betting industry. We will not only expand into other sports (football, soccer, hockey, and anything else users have a demand for) but also all areas of betting entertainment, including prediction markets, table games like poker, and more. Our focus is on providing the best quality betting and prediction related entertainment: we promise to always maintain the option for users to use real or test tokens, so users donā€™t need to worry about spending real money.

Project Test Instructions: Using TronLink, create a Nile testnet wallet and connect to the app. You can now bet on any games using the game ID with an amount in TRX.

Project Website: Clone from the Predictron Github under username alzh9000 and run locally using npm start after installing required packages.

Project Milestones: Small working prototype with payout system on Nile testnet.


I missed the submission deadline. Definitely going to join in next hackathon.


Good Luck to project Team. :ok_hand: Do your best in season 3.


when does vote start and end? devpost say itā€™s nov 29 to dec 4! but this say nov 29 to dec 13!


Nice observation, i think voting will end on the 4th of Dec. as it is rightly said on the devpost and the rest of the days to 13th will be for judging.

On devpost its voting
Here in the forum it is judging/voting

But its quite a remarkable observation you just made.


Letā€™s goooo, canā€™t wait to see what people bring to the Hackathon :fire:

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100s of submission are there may the best win

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Hi awz and those that are joining the Academy track, please make sure to tag @admin.hackathon and check your DM box on how to proceed. We should get everything ready ASAP before the voting period which is coming up at the end of this month. Thanks!


Thatā€™s an interesting question! @fabsltsa do you know the answer ?


Team Axies checking in here! Was a pleasure to compete in-person at Boston / meeting the entire team last weekend. Below are the requested contents for prize redemption + additional voting!

Project Name: Axies

Participating in the Academy Track*


Thank you all!

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Hola, es una buena temporada con buenos proyectos presentados, llegando a la recta final. Suerte a todos

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Why asking me sir :sweat_smile: Iā€™m not in the organisation and Iā€™m not even a participant :smile: I wouldnā€™t focus too much on that and more on keeping pushing everywhere I can until the end (building, promoting, answering questions,ā€¦). Better to tell people to get all set up early since in the past there are always people who want to vote and create an account on the last day. Then they complain they didnā€™t have the time to get the TL1 :sweat_smile:


Hey all! Team Dazzle here!
It was an impeccable learning experience at HackWeb3 - Boston last weekend.
Following are the details for prize redemption:

Project Name: Dazzle

Participating in the Academy Track



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Hi @admin.hackathon, Iā€™m kinda lost: I have sent two emails about my problem to the address given on devpost page and got no response.

Despite this announcement my request is still not approved, and I have no DM with instructions to follow (but have a bunch of completely meaningless badges notifications - KMP, are you presenting a time machine that got me to 2010th somehow?). Iā€™m sterliakov and have submitted Devpost project in time, as well as applied for allowance to post here 3 hours before deadline. I got no response and no reaction. I really wish I could make this post to become eligible for judging and prize (not community prize - Iā€™m not personally interested in writing daily updates or doing other promotional stuff - but forum post is, unfortunately, listed under eligibility requirements). As long as this is not my fault (I applied before the deadline), my inability to fulfil all requirements is at the very least unfair.

Iā€™m waiting for your response almost a week, thus I have contacted Devpost today via official support email to help resolve this issue (because voting opens soon, and I suppose I need a post before it begins).

I really did not not want to discuss such things on this imageboard, but I have no other ideas how to get in touch with you, unfortunately.


Hi @admin.hackathon




Project Name: EcoRypto

I am from EcoRypto team in the hackthon

I am participating in the Academy Track,I want to be added to the Hackathon group,thanks very much.