Thanks for taking out time to review our project .
To answer your question, we are currently focusing on adding more knowledge base around tron specific theoretical knowledge like energy etc and simple to use APIs given in Tron’s documentation. We think that this product for now has to solve the problems faced by the new developers coming into the ecosystem. And once we become robust for these types of questions, we try to add more comprehensive or ambitious features like full-fledged smart contract writing or auditing.
We want to first solve a use case where we think AI can play a good role for now i.e. onboarding new devs.
Thanks a lot for your kind words. I wish that this project can help out many devs like me to get started in the tron ecosystem seamlessly
great to hear about your focus on adding more knowledge base around tron specific theoretical knowledge for new developers. Can you please tell us the biggest challenge that you faced during the development of the AI onboarding product for new tron developers?
Good concept and best of luck for further developments
The major challenge in the project development was definitely involved with data. Since the developer docs are not open sourced, I had to scrap the data and structure it well before building the knowledge base.
Going forward I do wish that if possible we can partner with tron foundation to get the developer docs in a more structured formats which will allow us to onboard data more quickly.
Thanks a lot for your feedback
Thank you for sharing your experience. We really understand how challenging it could be to work with data, especially when the doc is not open sourced. While using the scrapping method to build your knowledge base, how do you ensure the accuracy of the data collected?
Again, is there any plan to expand TronAssistant beyond just a chatbot? You’re welcome to tell us what the plans are, if there’s any?
For first point, since data was collected using web scraping so I had to do a quick sanity of the data manually to ensure we do not have unwanted elements in the raw data.
Regarding further plans, as I already stated above, first goal is to release a chat sdk for dapps to get onboarded, and get their specialised chat bot, secondly keep training on the Tron data in the backend. These tasks in themselves need time to implement and get to market.
So we are not thinking beyond these for now. But once we have a trained AI for the entire ecosystem, opportunities are endless, creating code completion agents, auditing contracts etc etc
Don’t worry, the TRON community supports everyone who takes firm steps forward, just like our project. Just focus on moving your project forward and give yourself more praise. May fortune favor you
Thanks for your motivating words!
Hi @Hgogia
Thank you for joining S5 of the HackaTRON!
I wanted to provide a friendly reminder about the project showcase guidelines.
Keeping your repository and demo private unfortunately means the community and judges may not be able to fully evaluate your work. We want to make sure your hard work gets the visibility it deserves!
Consider making your project repo public and providing a link to a live demo if possible. This will allow everyone to check out all the details and features of your awesome project.
Let me know if you have any questions! We’re looking forward to seeing what you’ve built.
I would defo download this as an app on my phone as my personal tron based assistant such a cool idea man Have you already release a publicity available SDK for Chat assistant?
Thank you for sharing your plans. It’s great to see that you have taken the necessary steps of ensuring the quality of the data collected through manual sanity checks after web scraping. With this, I can say that data accuracy is your watchword Wishing you the best of luck as we will be heading to the judges and community voting.
Hi @EMerchant
We already shared the private repo and the source code on hackerearth and it was not stated explicitly to share the public repo so we missed it. Extremely sorry for that.
We have now made the repositories public and you can find that on
Hope judges get to see the code since we are almost nearing the pre qualification stage. Again apologies for missing it earlier, but if it would have been mentioned anywhere, we would have shared the public links from day one itself.
We have received many requests for mobile apps now, although we don’t have any immediate plans as of now but we will definitely keep that in mind going forward.
Also the chat SDK is still under development, we want it to be a no code platform for dapps coming on the platform so there is dev going on the dashboard part.
Thanks a lot for your wishes!
Hi @EMerchant
It would be really helpful if you could confirm that sharing the link of the public repository worked now and the link has reached the judges.
Nice project so much to learn
Even though its AI based its hard to compete with all the AI projects here and I clearly see the differences and updates. For these days what kind of improvements you have in mind? and at least what milestone you have achieved so far?
Thank you! Great you liked the project