TronAssistant | AI companion for developers on Tron

@Hgogia Good Day!

I am trying to test an extension, but it remains stuck, as shown in the attached image.

Hi @adeel , sorry for the inconvenience. You are facing this issue because, we have recently migrated our backend server to AWS and you might be testing out the older extension build.

Please find the new working build at Tron Assistant Extension Build - Google Drive
Let me know if you face any other issue, will check it out asap.

Also we will be soon sharing a more detailed report regarding our progress as well. We have moved a lot in the development of our main dashboard as well, where we now allow DAPPs to upload their documentations and create their custom ChatBots for their documentation. Our react based chat component can be integrated in any codebase with just one line of code. Sharing the details in another hour.

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Important Update: TronAssistant is Now Live in Production!

Hello everyone! We’re excited to share that TronAssistant has officially launched in production, marking a significant step forward in simplifying Tron blockchain development. Here’s a rundown of our latest updates and new launches:

:rocket: Custom ChatBots for dApps: We’ve introduced our most awaited feature! TronAssistant now allows dApps to build custom chatbots effortlessly in a few clicks. Simply upload PDFs, and dApps can create their own bots, adding immense value to the Tron ecosystem. Find the dashboard at

:electric_plug: React Component Library: To simplify integration, our newly launched React component library allows dApps to seamlessly integrate their custom chatbots into their platforms using just a single line of code. Find out the library at

:globe_with_meridians: Chrome Extension Published: Our Chrome extension is now available on the Chrome Store! Find it here. The latest version is currently undergoing review by the Chrome team and will be available for use as soon as it goes live. While the new version is still being reviewed on the Chrome Store, you can access it immediately through this drive link to start using it!

:books: Continuous Knowledge Base Improvement: Our commitment to enhancing the knowledge base for the main assistant remains steadfast. We believe that providing robust, context-aware information is key to fostering innovation within the Tron network.

You can find out a quick demo of the new features in our new video

@admin.hackathon @adeel @manfred_jr @Prince-Onscolo @StevenTRON @Youngyuppie @Kojopapo @EMerchant @fabsltsa @HODL @Okorie @DreamVerser @Robert2 @fulldecent


Seems fascinating, keep building. All support to you :))


Interesting keep up the good work :clap:, keep on building

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The Chrome extension part is the most fascinating, kudos!