TronDevGPT - your friendly neighbourhood AI

This one is my favorite project :white_heart: so far to be honest, I am curious about what is really under the hood as I believe that the concept of training an AI on a specific task/niche will be in the near future the next milestone in AI development!

I developed an Android dApp - OnChainVision

We use walletConnect to connect with wallet such as TrustWallet and any wallet that supports TRON network and WalletConnect v2 and we analyze pairs (daily tradingview charts) on all the DEX available (possibility to add as many as possible using factoryAddress) and finishing the details for a DEX aggregator. NFC payments dev on hold.

That’s about it, sorry if the message is too long I don’t want to promote or anything just a summary…

Anyway, my submission is not even close to this one congrats :confetti_ball: for all the hard work.
The developer docs of TRON are now obsolete :confused:.

With respect,
onchaindev :white_heart: