TronNinjas Rebrand - Play, Stake, Earn!


Project Name: TronNinja arcade
Project Track: GameFi
Team Name: TronNinjas
Team Member(s): @TronNinjas Mo Co-Founder - @TMMS - @CryptoRhino - Co-Founder @Stian - @cryphic
DevPost URL: TronNinjas GameFi | Devpost
Project Goal: To expand over time into a mini metaverse
Demo Video TronNinjas Rebrand Tron Hackathon season 2 - YouTube
Project Repo/Website:


At its core, the Tron ninja arcade was born out of love for something which died long ago; playing games in arcades was more than gaming; it was a social hub for people when not everyone could have a computer. You would spend your days with friends competing, playing, and socializing at your local Arcade — That is what we are trying to

encapsulate here; not only playing games but the

the social aspect of Tron Ninjas is as essential. We are trying to digitalize the

local Arcade and bring back an

old art form in a new medium.

##What it does:

TronNinjas is a NFT GameFi project on the Tron blockchain where you are able to play arcade games and earn our in-game token TronNinjas Token (TNT).

The TNT token can be earned just by playing

single-player games and in our bi-weekly tournaments with other NFT holders.

We also have the Tronninjas store, where you can spend

your TNT for upgrades.

A percentage of the store revenue will be sent to our staking contract, where

users can stake their TronNinja NFT.

You can stake your NFT and TNT and earn TNT from our

staking contract.

Staked NFTs earn 55% and TNT 40% the last 5% belongs

to the OGTNT token.

Since the TronNinja arcade conception, the team has been

working tirelessly to reach the goals we set ourselves.

Our submission for season two is an expansion on our first submission which includes a focus on brining the ninja arcade to the next level. We have been able to change the whole feel of the Ninja arcade focusing on bringing a brand new identity to TronNinjas.

We have been working hard and rebranding every aspect of the arcade in line with a quality you would expect to receive on the Tron Network. We have notable made some significant changes to four of our games which have been completely rebranded in line with the new arcade with the addition of two new classic games. Whack a mole and Ninja basketball.

##Challenges we ran in to:

The challenges we ran into with the arcade while rebranding were the lack of resource and creating an identity that brings the arcade into the present while still maintaining that classic retro feel. We were able to overcome this by researching the styles and identities of a whole generation of gamers.

As a result, we believe we have been able to maintain the classic retro feel by adding a modern spin.

##Accomplishments that we’re proud of:

We are continuing to grow our platform, maintaining and improving our system with the help of the community — As the community grows, we grow with them, providing valuable feedback on the system and what they would like to see in the future.

• Season 1 TRONDAO Hackathon winner GameFi.

• User Energy sales system to allow users to buy energy cheaper when staking NFTs

• Four games live in our P2E system.

• The first project on Tron to allow users to stake their NFTS and earn a share of the sales from the store.

• The Ninja Store - An online store allowing the purchase of upgrades giving users an advantage in the games.

• Grown an active and engaged community

• Sold over 1,000 Ninja NFTs

• Launched our in-game token (TRC-20) TNT (TronNinjaToken)

• Listing TNT on

• Press release on Yahoo Finance.

• Listing on

• Listing NFTs on APENFT.

• TNT Liquidity mining with multiple pools.

##What we learned:

We have learned a lot from our community. We wouldn´t be here if it wasn’t for them.

We use the feedback we get active and build with that in mind.

##What´s next for TronNinjas:

Right now we are implementing a major rebranding of the TronNinjas.

The re-brand is a major facelift of the entire TronNinja and includes new logos, a new website, 2 more arcade games, a marketing campaign and interaction with TronNinja users and other TRON projects.

• New logo

• New website

• 2 new ninja-style arcade games

• Hosting bi-weekly Twitter spaces with TRON subjects.

• New partnership announced at the end of July.

• Bringing more value to TronNinjas NFTs.

We have now completed our rebrand, since we anticipate a soon-to-come growth, not only with the TronNinjas but in blockchain technology and in the TRON Blockchain in particular. We are preparing to be front and centre of the new wave of blockchain users while making the arcade as user-friendly as possible.

In the years to come, we will see massive growth in our area and we will be ready for it.

We are also committed to networking and working closely with other TRON projects.

We believe standing together makes us stronger and as an original OG project on the TRON network, we will give everything we got to grow the product and help other projects grow.

The rebrand and games will be implemented in 3 steps.

• Testing games and website in a closed group (Our OG group)

• Opening to the public.

We hope you enjoy the TronNinja Arcade as much as we enjoy working on it.


Looks amazing! Going to sit down with the kids a start whacking some moles


It’s an addictive game. Let us know what you and the kids think of it :blush:


Nice to see you back for the season 2 :raised_hands:
Arcades will never die!


Amazing rebrand, the new games are very addicted. The new design is just awesome. :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::eyes:


OG from the start, can’t wait to see what’s coming soon and in the future. Keep it up!


They love it! Easy enough for the little ones to play…and it keeps the big ones playing to get the high score!


DeFi gaming is hardly surviving what is your sustainability plan


I think we will see DeFi gaming bloom in the years to come.
We have build and will keep building to grow ways of earning.
Alongside GameFi P2E, we also offer staking of the TronNinjas NFTs and the in-game token TNT.
Please visit our TG and Discord to join one of the best communities :muscle:


The rebrand looks awesome! Excited to see more to come.


good luck & have fun dude!


It is also important to note here how young the gamefi industry is. It took many years for NFTs to break out and even then they are deeply correlated with the crypto industry as a whole. During less active or intense times, like we are experiencing at the moment. We seek to invovate in anyway we can. We endeavour to postion our aracde as a social hub, a place you can break away from it all. With a few friendly matches.


Thank you. Its nice to be back.


Thank you so much. We are very excited.


Really love games can’t wait to try this out :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Did you try the games? What’s your favorite? :blush:


Really Happy to see your submission again in the gamefi category, Good job from the team, well done @TronNinjas and the whole team. Let’s keep making Tron Stronger!!!:fire::fire::fire:


Lovely. I can see you building stable on the Tron blockchain.
The highlights that got my attention

  1. Users can play Arcade games to earn TNT TOKEN,



This shows the Founder are made good for users to explore.


Hey Ninjas! Great to see you here!


Thanks. It’s good to be back :blush:
Great to see you to.