This is my first attempt at deploying a smart contract on the BTT Chain testnet, and I’ve encountered an issue labeled as “← EvmError: Revert.” This occurs when attempting to deploy proxy contracts to the testnet. I have a balance of 6k BTT, which should be enough for the gas fees . Interestingly, I’ve tried deploying the same code to other EVM chains and successfully deployed smart contracts on Avalanche without any problems. I’m using Foundry for deploying contracts.
What could potentially be causing this issue? Any insights or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I’ve tried to Google and got only this answer but it’s related to optmism Link to the Q&A
@kabugu can you please outline which solidity version you are using? and also are you using openzepplin contract ? If yes can you please let me know version. So i could try to reproduce on my side.
Probably the specific gas limit you have set for the deployment might be insufficient for the BTT Chain.
Please why not try increasing the gas limit and see if the deployment goes through.