Water Monitor by Aspiring Developers: Monitoring tools for water management and reducing water wastage. Crowdsourcing information sharing for better and cleaner drinking water, Remote Water Monitoring, Recyclability of Water using Ethereum and Tron DAO eco-system tools.
Project Name: [Water Monitor]
Project Track: [Ecosystem]
Team Name: [Aspiring Developers]
Team Member(s): [ 2 (manusheel, deepti)]
DevPost URL: [Water Monitor | Devpost]
Project Info: [
Water Monitor.pdf (3.7 MB)
Project Website: [Water Management]
Project Test Instructions: [GitHub - seetadev/WaterMonitor]
Project Details: [Need: Remote water monitoring systems have not been used effectively in emerging countries. We got motivated to recycle and use old phones and tablets, used devices like computers on providing remote water monitoring facility to prevent havoc in case of hurricanes, excessive rainfall. Chennai floods in 2015 has made it all the more urgent to design, develop and deploy such systems cost effectively.
What it does
Our vision is to carry out research on new models that incorporate technology and which aims at revolutionizing the water management practices around the world . The technology solution is designed specifically to address the needs of the water, health and environment eco-system comprising of civic bodies, water management units, hospitals, environment and health ministry, laboratories, citizens, R&D organizations and improve the operational efficiencies.
Just in Time service Availability of city’s water records suffering from environmental issues across different stakeholder through secure blockchain network.
Record Management Quality documentation reduces the issues regarding implementation of water management policies.
Research Research laboratories can use the data for diagnosis of water borne diseases, suggesting personalized action to water treatment plants.
4.Web Application Cloud-based web application with a chat-based interface for quick water wastage attention. It can also be used for environment protection and steps to reduce the issues.
Transparency Insurance agencies can utilize the data to provide customized house insurance plans to the customer. Ground water levels are at an all time low.
Better Management Practices Journal of water usage records covering complete city history improve the policy implementation and help define stringent rules towards saving water.
Our solution offers an Artificial Intelligence-based object detection system that utilizes blockchain solutions for sorting information obtained from a variety of water management bodies, cameras deployed at monitoring spots.
Our app will provide the requisites features to share weather conditions like humidity, temperature and conditions and remotely monitor the water management policies in a place using used and broken phones and tablets, alarm clocks, internet connection, sync service, integration with IP cameras, raise safety alarms. The cost of deployment and added technology is limited which could help the families living in a variety of geographical regions.
Blockchain Eco-system:
a. Algorand blockchain: We are working towards decentralizing key components, bottlenecks in our existing decentralized storage solution.
We are learning to create decentralized peer-to-peer protocols to replace centralized off-chain solutions by swapping centralized service providers for p2p infrastructure.
b. Covalent: We are developing 2 Covalent API Endpoints, one for fetching the total water incidents reported by citizens and solved by government agencies and the other for fetching the token_ids of Water Incident snapshot and Alarm NFT Contract. Cronos: Please visit WaterMonitor/Chronos at main · seetadev/WaterMonitor · GitHub
c. RockX: We are learning to use RockX Access Node API to deploy and query on the Cronos Mainnet. We are still at the testnet stage.
d. Aeternity: We are utilizing Aeternity for scaling web3 solutions focused on ownership of water meters and real estate:
a. NFT collection and NFTs on the æternity blockchain using the AEX-141 standard: We are extending the development on two use cases:
Unique NFTs (for unique assets) Edition NFTs using templates (for mobility)
b. We are using AEproject to run a local dev environment & test ownable.aes and smartrealestate.aes Smart Contracts. Please visit WaterMonitor/aeternity-solution/aepp-sophia-ownables-assets/aepp-sophia-examples-master at main · seetadev/WaterMonitor · GitHub
c. We are extending the development of ownables.aes (please visit WaterMonitor/Ownable.aes at main · seetadev/WaterMonitor · GitHub ) and smartrealestate.aes ( please visit WaterMonitor/SmartRealEstate.aes at main · seetadev/WaterMonitor · GitHub )
We also plan to utilize SocialCalc, one of our open source spreadsheet projects and customize it for developing water monitoring and sewage management application. Features include Tabulation that enables the user to enter and edit data in a tabular format; Organization that enables the user to organize the tabular matter in several forms, Facilitates sorting of numeric data, comments to increase ease of understanding of data, names to access data in different modalities, clipboard function; Collaboration and the ability to support sharing of data over the network and multi-user editing and Interoperability between SocialCalc and Excel (.xls format), csv format.
Quality Assurance and Water Recyclability : Our serverless solution equips with two general purpose object detection engines detect 20 object types in real-time and 80 object types & better accuracy a bit slower. Our software will turns any IP camera to an AI beast within the snap of a finger. IPFS & Ethereum, Hedera Hashgraph is a seamless solution to keep data encrypted and place the immutable fingerprints into blockchain transactions. With just a cell phone, users are offered a serverless solution that can detect objects in water in real time and more object types for better accuracy.
Web3 Dashboard is a Defi and Tron DAO platform that enables users to keep track of all the details of their DeFi investments, transactions, and assets across all multiple chains and also displays Tron DAO data using a data visualization chart.
Project Milestones: [
Project Updates:
- Development of a Monetization Model: We have written an ideathon white paper (Monetization Model. pdf) which can be found at the link submitted on the project page: water monitor white paper - Google Drive
- Utilizing Covalent API endpoints along with Chronos and RockX: We are developing 2 Covalent API Endpoints, one for fetching the total water incidents reported by citizens and solved by government agencies and the other for fetching the token_ids of Water Incident snapshot and Alarm NFT Contract. Cronos: Please visit WaterMonitor/Chronos at main · seetadev/WaterMonitor · GitHub
- RockX: We are learning to use RockX Access Node API to deploy and query on the Cronos Mainnet. We are still at the testnet stage.
- We are using DAOtooling for coordination with a social focus around community collaboration for water incidents and alarms using Tron DAO.
- Web3 Dashboard is a Defi and Tron DAO platform that enables users to keep track of all the details of their DeFi investments, transactions, and assets across all multiple chains and also displays Tron DAO data using a data visualization chart.