Tron Bridge Monitor by Rektify AI

Project Name: Tron Bridge Monitor
Modern Security Logo-2

Project Track : DeFi

Team Name: Rektify AI

Team Member(s): 3

DevPost URL: Rektify AI: Tron Bridge Monitor (Cross-chain Protection) | Devpost

Project Test Instructions:

Contract Address( Shasta Testnet link): TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器
TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器
Testnet Verification:

Project Goal: Create a monitoring system the Tron team can use for to ensure the security of the (8) bridges that interact with the Tron blockchain. We focused on TronPad for this particular monitoring system because we were able to find smart contact hashes and APIs connected to the platform.

Project Info: This is an extended outlook into a project we previously pitched in Season 2 (Tron Security Dashcam). As promised in the future work section we focused on the bridge monitor component because risk mitigation systems are going to become more popular as multi-million dollar exploits on cross-chain bridges become more prominent. Here we primed the Tron Bridge Monitor to call certain APIs.

Project Repo: Tron-Security-Dashcam/bridge-monitor-v1 at main · BubblyOrca/Tron-Security-Dashcam · GitHub

Project Details: TBM-Rektify-AI.mp4 on Vimeo

Project Milestones: We pitched at Bizthon by TDeFi at GITEX our patent-pending technology that includes Tron Bridge Monitor (October 10th), Black is Tech Conference in Atlanta, GA, Black Blockchain Summit in Washington, D.C., Hatch Pitch :egg: in Houston, TX, and AfroTech in Austin, TX.


Would be nice to have a little bit more details here for those who don’t understand English very well :slightly_smiling_face:

Btw also interacts with Tron (DeFi winner hackathon season 1)


Greetings BubblyOrca! Your project seems to be missing details on the following. Please add them to your project. Thank you!

Please Include:
Project Test Instructions
Contract Address

After a thorough scan, it looks like your project post is very similar to a project that has been posted in Season 2. Can you let the community know what improvements and updates have been made compared to this project - Tron Security Dashcam | Devpost that you have submitted in the past?

According to post #6 of TRON Grand Hackathon Season 3 - Get started Now! projects that haven’t completed their roadmap for the Hackathon in past Hackathons will not be eligible for the current season. Please make sure your existing project is already live and for the community to use.


For sure, I will be more elaborate.

I mean your video explains a lot already. But it’s easier for people if they can find those informations on the forum and google translate :+1: good luck for the hackathon


Hey, the Tron Bridge Monitor is not the same as TSD (running). The Tron Bridge Monitor is exclusive for bridges interacting with Tron and answers the burning bridge security question. Our team is still heads down working. We will have all docs, including the Tron DAO Forum blurb updated by the deadline. I hope you enjoy what we’re going to ship!

People like me, I don’t really understand the terms too😟

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@Mines Thank you for your feedback. Please go to Devpost and watch the demo video. Maybe that will help.

Web3 security is a new and emerging industry; would love to help you understand it while I can. Here are resources: Attack Playbook Terms

Pls where can I track my transaction on tron