What do you think about the voting process?

Do the projects you support made it or not? or why some of them were not eligible on voting?


Its sad to see some good projects are not there but still it looks pretty well some categories have a tough race up there


Not all made it and I hope they’ll get more info about that so they can come back stronger next season :muscle:
Let’s vote now :raised_hands:


Do you know why projects are not past phase 2?

Admins explained it under the post bro check it out

Voting process is the best time ever of the forum its great to see projects are developing and improving themselves on their own category. Sadly I couldn’t follow all the sections and all the projects since the attendance were quite high which I approve so much


Yes LoopNFT made it! Love the project and create value for the music sector :guitar:

Yeah but still those rules are to improve the quality of the projects and forum as well and they can apply again later I guess for another season but that happens so


Yeah totally agree with there even though its hard for project leaders

On some other post @fabsltsa explained it I guess you should check it out

Its interesting to see the ratio of some votes are quite different and not even really close to each other

As I can see most important part of the season mate. Gives us the tronics a good chance to take a look and give feedbacks as users to improve themselves so yeah it’s a good process in conclusion

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I was mostly into web3 category it’s kinda sad to see some of them are not there to be eligible but thats fine. Expect to see them more improved. Otherwise some votes are quite high from other ones that’s a little interesting

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Totally agree with that lets not be miserable about it

What do you think is the reason?


Yeah I understand of course but I’m sure many of them will come back stronger on future. Some of them already posted that they haven’t give up yet… @Dominique


Yes competition and development never ends @Leevi


They can and probably will indeed

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There’s been some serious drama on voting post and it’s all about bots, saw a project dropped to number 7 after deleting some votes and before it was number 2 on their category. It’s hard to imagine there are so many changes due to fakes lol :melting_face: