You can vote up to 5 projects on each category

I am just trying to create the awareness that if you vote for just 1 or two projects you can go back to the voting post and select other projects to make it up to 5 votes for five projects per category.
You may want to look at DIGITALMART on the defi category at D11 and DBANTA on the web 3 category @ W10, do try to have a look at the project and decide for yourself too, if it’s worth your vote, the project is mind blowing and has vast potentials and utility and will provide alot of value to the Tron ecosystem.


Thank you for all the info


Thanks for the heads up, but I’m not level 1 enough to vote


Okay you just have to spend sometime reading and commenting on other topics, this is just a measure to ascertain you are not a bot, it will work like magic within minutes


how long did it take for your upgrade

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Just a matter of minutes if you doing the things right or up to a day, depends there is no specific time. So just do everything normally reading, commenting on topics and maybe liking some topics here and there and you will be good to go. You won’t even know it


Thanks for the info!

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how exactly can you go back and vote after you entered your votes?

You will see an eye kind of icon once you click that, it will enable to vote again

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thanks for your feed back!!!


You are very much welcome

We really want to bring our project to the next level, it will be amazing if you want to support us with a vote. #A8 GreenDAO - Empower your community with TRON
Link to vote: TRON Grand Hackathon Season 3 - Community Vote - #6 by admin.hackathon

Thank you so much!