BttTipBot - Tipping is mandatory sir

Ops, sorry about that. You can confirm it working better now?


working on Mainnet thank you, check my last question and answer :pray:

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I believe @constantinpricope201 will be best to answer this.

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GM buddy, thanks for welcoming us. Trying to understand a tip bot?
It is a program that lets you send and receive small digital payments, typically on platforms like Discord or Telegram.
You can use it to show appreciation for someone’s content or to contribute to a community event.

Normally a tip is a way of showing appreciation for good service, usually with a small amount of money. It’s kind of like a thank you gift, but with cash instead of a present

Now Btt-tip-bot is here, be part of the testing and help us shape bttc. More details above.

Very good question. We still in building phase, we plan to integrate with btt related communities.


I will avoid doing that, exporting PK from the generated wallet but still, you can import a primary key from other wallets. Exporting keys can be dangerous for users and there is little security in terms of 2FA that can be used.

All the specific operations can be done using the telegram bot menu and the wallets that are used inside the bot will be best to be used exclusively for that!


hmmmmm creating telegram wallet without having backup too does not sound well for me, most tip bots I know, have that and it is easy


I have used your bot and there are more functions you have to add. Airdrop or rain function must be included. With this one, anyone can show kindness in any group the bot has been added, it should not be top only. Even rain or airdrop makes it lovely more than the tips🙏

Also we talked in the group about tips being onchain, I saw a way you do it of you want it to be onchain but I think the main tip function must be onchain, let’s do away with centralization. I know you don’t like centralization.


Happy Easter Buddy.
Thank you for your feedback. We will definitely look into it and such functionality will be added in our roadmap

And thank him for being the first and the only one( at the moment that tested the bot so far. Cheers


Welcome to Grand hackathon season 6,…btt tip bot is a great idea and a welcome development on bttc, wishing you all the best as you continue to build


oh nice to hear that, thank you and happy Easter too


Ok, I really appreciate you explaining to me.


Welcome buddy to season 6
With BttTipBot offering funny jokes based on tip amounts, can you envision integrating with a play-to-earn gaming aspect.
Imagine users earning BTT while being rewarded with hilarious jokes.
Please how do you think this could incentivize even more engagement and tip activity.


Read here for more, join in testing


The short answer is yes we are looking to create ways so that the users are incentives not only to get tips but also to offer.

We have 3 levels :trophy: of jokes :clown_face: based on TIP amount

  1. Standard Jokes over 1k $BTT( you will see this emoji :woozy_face:)
  2. Silver Jokes over 1m $BTT ( you will see this emoji :2nd_place_medal:)
  3. Gold Jokes over 1b $BTT ( you will see this emoji :1st_place_medal:)

We have a joke teller on each season: This season is what would Homer simpson say to a big tip.

Next season the bigger tipper will get a chance to propose a theme.

We plan after that the default theme to be the OnChainVision mascot.


Nice one buddy am looking forward to that.


So far so good, I have been with this team and they have taken some suggestions hope to see them soon. keep building


Big thanks for all your contributions and suggestions.
All will be fix, amended to its best. Together we sTRONger


I sent 100 btt to my new tip bot account but received 300btt does that mean if I send 10M I will receive 30M or is it an error


The Prince of Tipbot :joy:


Thank you for testing our Btt tip bot.
You can check your History to know where the 300 btt from.

In case you wondering, we have 300 btt for every new users.