CactusChain by Kawilk - Let's Build a Sustainable Future Together

:information_source: Learn more about how we calculate ESG & Reliability metrics for each initiative :information_source:

The main goal for CactusChain is to be decentralized and collaborative. To allow the platform’s self-management, we designed a sustainability impact metric (ESG) and a reliability metric (Project Blossom) for each initiative.

The PROMISE Framework

We use the PROMISE framework as an ESG tool to analyze the impacts and tensions in each of the PROMISE framework’s dimensions. When users post their projects, their content will be analyzed for characteristics of their initiatives on the scope of Personal, Relationships, Organizations, Markets, Institutions, Society, and Environment. Each of these factors is weighted into a scale to measure the ESG impact of the project.

The ESG tool will be able to improve itself according to responses, project characteristics, adherence of other platform members, project updates, and much more. As the system grows, the metrics will be more accurate.

The Cactus Blossom

The Cactus Blossom is a dynamic indicator that will follow the user in all their transactions within the platform. As the user gets involved in the community by supporting projects, creating new initiatives, receiving support, completing project goals, and submitting project results, their Cactus Blossom profile will grow. :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Each new project inserted into the platform inherits the Blossom points from its author and the points of all other users contributing to the project’s funding. This way, the projects that possess the highest numbers of Blossom points are the projects that:

  1. Contains a variety of users with a high standing of points.
  2. Contains donations of higher value from individual users with a high standing of points.
  3. Contains an author that is well-known for contributing to other projects.
  4. Contains an author that successfully concluded other projects.
  5. Contains users that previously completed projects in similar areas.

Supporters can earn points by donating to a sustainable initiative and also completely funding a project with an acquisition/purchase action. Project Authors can earn points for each project created (one at a time) and for every project that has been successfully concluded.

Projects Blossom Points increase based on Individual Supporter Points, Individual Supporter amounts, NFT Acquisition Price, Author Points, and Author relevancy.