CactusChain by Kawilk - Let's Build a Sustainable Future Together

Project Name: :link::cactus: CactusChain :cactus: :link:
Project Track: NFT
Team Name: Kawilk
Team Member(s): @AleZadik
DevPost URL: Devpost URL
Project Goal: Connecting Initiatives towards a more Sustainable Community

Project Info:

CactusChain is a new platform that encourages users to create projects with a sustainability proposal within one of the UN’s sustainable development categories. The user can publish his project in the form of an NFT, which will contain all the information necessary to describe the project, check the author’s credibility, and fulfill the initiative. With CactusChain, users have the opportunity to showcase their projects to the world in a way that is both creative and sustainable. This platform provides a unique way for users to share their ideas and proposals while promoting community sustainability.

Project Website: dAPP
Information/Brand Website: Informational Website
Project Test Instructions: Project Documentation
Project Details:

After a project is created in the platform, the community will be able to support the initiative by funding the project through the purchase of NFTs and interactions with Smart-Contracts in the TRON ecosystem. For every successful transaction in the platform, users will receive Cactus Tokens, an internal token that quantifies the user’s contribution to the community and builds the base of Cactus’ reputation system – The Cactus Blossom Profile.

The Cactus Blossom Profile is a unique way for users to build their reputation within the community. This profile will be used to identify the community’s most active and engaged members and those who have contributed the most to sustainable initiatives. Other members will be able to see the status of other profiles and check the user’s credibility. The more a user contributes to the community, the more “cactus blossoms” he will have in his profile, and the higher his reputation will be.

CactusChain is a new way to encourage sustainability initiatives and provides a unique opportunity for users to showcase their projects to the world.

Project Milestones:

  • Complete Hackathon with initial Smart Contract
  • More coming soon!

Smart Contract Current Link:
Try it - Whole Project v2
Try it - v1 (OLD)
Try it - TRC721 NFT v1 (OLD)

Smart Contract History:
CactusProject Smart Contract 1.0
CactusProject Smart Contract 2.0

Cactus Blossom Points Information:
:cactus: :coin: Points

dApp in Progress:


@AleZadik Blockchain is trying to embrace ESG currently and there is one other green project in this season tournament.

I hope your project does well and we see some good updates here over the coming days :+1:


Absolutely @Simon! Our goal is to use blockchain technology to promote sustainability initiatives and make it easy for people to showcase their projects to the world. We think that the CactusChain platform can provide a unique opportunity for users to contribute to the community and build their reputation in a green way. We are excited to see how the community responds to our project and hope we can positively impact people. Thank you for your support! We’ll be updating the post with news as we go on. :cactus:


@AleZadik no worries glad to support.

Also just to check will this have a ESG and green rating system for projects?


Greetings AleZadik! Your project seems to be missing details on the following. Please add them to your project. Thank you!

Please Include:
Team Name
Team members
Project Goal
Project Website
Project Test Instructions
Project Details
Project Milestones
Contract Address


Hey @Simon, yes! Since the project is meant to strengthen the link between communities and sustainable initiatives, we believe that besides having the cactus blossoms points, it’s important to have a metrics system to evaluate ESG and green rating. The projects will receive a rating based on the impact dimensions of the “PROMISE Framework” and the decentralized endorsement by community supporters. :man_superhero: :cactus:

:newspaper: More updates coming soon :newspaper:


@AleZadik Thanks for the update, if a good metric system can be used then institutions would be more accepting as they like these things in place.

Looking forward to seeing updates as this comes along


Absolutely @Simon! We are looking forward to implementing it as well :smiley:

We have already set up an informational website about the project and now working towards finishing the first version of the dApp. Here are some screenshots of the informational website and our first Smart Contract Interactions. Users can already create projects and support these projects by funding them in smaller amounts. The funding is stored in the Smart Contract balance, which will then be redirected to the project creator once the project reaches the target goal.

  • Informational Screen:

  • Initial Smart Contract Interactions (subject to change)


:newspaper_roll: More News :newspaper_roll:

  • The Second version of our Smart Contract is working! :cactus: :chains: :brain: :page_facing_up:
    TRON-IDE.pdf (83.3 KB)
    TRON-IDE2.pdf (79.2 KB)

  • Supporters can acquire a project which will trigger a disbursement of all collected funds to the project writer (purchase action). If a project passes a deadline goal without reaching the funding goal, users will receive their funds back (refund action)
    :computer: Github Commit

What’s next? :next_track_button:

  • :hammer: Continue building dApp that interacts with the Nile Testnet & Smart Contract
  • :art: Polishing user interface and informational website.
  • :coin: Add Smart Contract interaction with TRC721 NFTs to allow minting of Cactus Projects
  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Generate test cases for security and functionality

Good project we’re much looking forward to implement it


Thank you for the support @Toppyman! :cactus: :hammer:

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:information_source: Learn more about how we calculate ESG & Reliability metrics for each initiative :information_source:

The main goal for CactusChain is to be decentralized and collaborative. To allow the platform’s self-management, we designed a sustainability impact metric (ESG) and a reliability metric (Project Blossom) for each initiative.

The PROMISE Framework

We use the PROMISE framework as an ESG tool to analyze the impacts and tensions in each of the PROMISE framework’s dimensions. When users post their projects, their content will be analyzed for characteristics of their initiatives on the scope of Personal, Relationships, Organizations, Markets, Institutions, Society, and Environment. Each of these factors is weighted into a scale to measure the ESG impact of the project.

The ESG tool will be able to improve itself according to responses, project characteristics, adherence of other platform members, project updates, and much more. As the system grows, the metrics will be more accurate.

The Cactus Blossom

The Cactus Blossom is a dynamic indicator that will follow the user in all their transactions within the platform. As the user gets involved in the community by supporting projects, creating new initiatives, receiving support, completing project goals, and submitting project results, their Cactus Blossom profile will grow. :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Each new project inserted into the platform inherits the Blossom points from its author and the points of all other users contributing to the project’s funding. This way, the projects that possess the highest numbers of Blossom points are the projects that:

  1. Contains a variety of users with a high standing of points.
  2. Contains donations of higher value from individual users with a high standing of points.
  3. Contains an author that is well-known for contributing to other projects.
  4. Contains an author that successfully concluded other projects.
  5. Contains users that previously completed projects in similar areas.

Supporters can earn points by donating to a sustainable initiative and also completely funding a project with an acquisition/purchase action. Project Authors can earn points for each project created (one at a time) and for every project that has been successfully concluded.

Projects Blossom Points increase based on Individual Supporter Points, Individual Supporter amounts, NFT Acquisition Price, Author Points, and Author relevancy.


Cactus to the moon :rocket::rocket::rocket:


Thanks for the support, @Fhemzy. Let us know if you have any questions! :cactus:

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:cactus::fire: Cactus Chain dApp is out and deployed! :fire::cactus:

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Thanks for the support, @Simon let us know if you have anything to say …you welcome .


I think there is a cactus swap already


Hi @Nuhuh, I’m unfamiliar with Cactus Swap, but our project (Cactus Chain) is new and focuses on building and contributing to sustainable projects. We developed a decentralized application that interacts with our own smart contract and no other external assets.

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Thank you for the support @De_icon & @emily001 :smiley: :cactus:

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You guys did a great job on this one. :clap: