CodeHive - Crack the Code, Reap the Rewards! šŸ’°

This is niceā€¦ Thank you for mentioning me :star_struck:


Hey Tronics! :blush:

While we wait for the results to roll out in the coming days, please check out the unsolved and newly added problems on the platform. Earn your Nile test tokens! :smile:

Donā€™t forget to provide feedback and explore our ā€œadd questionsā€ in app feature with bounties set to it ! :trophy:

TRON Hackathon Site Feedback Hackathon Season 6 #tronics

Good luck to all the participating projects. Best of luck with the results! :four_leaf_clover:


Not finding a questionā€™s description, examples, or input/output relevant? :thinking:

No worries! Just report the question. :clipboard: Weā€™ll do our best to investigate the issue based on the reported problem and either take down or flag the question accordingly. :triangular_flag_on_post::hammer_and_wrench:

for question report please refer this post:sparkles:


Yayyy !!! We are thrilled to announce that CodeHive secured 2nd place in the Judgesā€™ Track :2nd_place_medal: and 5th prize in Community Voting :tada:.

We are thankful from the bottom of our hearts :heart: to each and every one of you who supported us throughout the hackathon season. We couldnā€™t have won without your support and votes :raised_hands:.


Very congratulations to the team :tada: well deserved :clap:

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Congratulations team! Itā€™s time to crack more codes :smiley:

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:tada: Hey tronics! :tada:


We are Excited to announce that we are officially live on the Tron Mainnet! :rocket: We canā€™t wait to see the amazing problems you add to the platform. Happy coding! :computer::sparkles:

:link: Deployed Contract Link: THmVcydVtn2U6cPaVm9nSeU8zL3A5fC5Qr

:globe_with_meridians: Check out our Platform:

:tv: Learn More About Our Platform: Watch this Video

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to share. Weā€™re here to help and would love to hear from you!

Thank you for your support! :pray:

@SimbadMarino @admin.hackathon @Prince-Onscolo @manfred_jr @ines_valerie @HODL @Gordian @fabsltsa @elluminaZK


Congrats for your achievement :muscle:

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Congratulations on the main net ! Builders should start cracking codes on code hive now ! Good luck ! :muscle:

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Congratulations on achieving this great milestone, keep on building :muscle:

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Congratulations on your mainnet lunch

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The Ui of your website looks so nice


Congrats sir on reaching the milestone


thanks for the comments and support guys, we really appreciate it. it woudnā€™t be possible without the support of you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :v:


Glad you liked it :heavy_heart_exclamation: , we will keep improving

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Mainnet migration seems almost like a dream come true for CodeHive, congrats on everything, best wishes!!


I am very very happy that you are everytime delivering that is because you are always working, congratulations!


Yes we are :muscle: our github contribution commits says it all and very thanks for your active support :heart:


You are very much welcome and I wish you the very best.

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Hello @arman , I hope you are OK!
Iwhile testing your mainnet integration I have the following issue:

independently of what I write as input while adding a new question I get an blank screen at the end. Would you please check what the issue is and fix it?
Also , another question, in your demo video I see you maunally use the tronide to write to the contract, isnā€™t that part already in the UI?

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