CodeHive (V2) - First Incentivized Coding Platform on Tron

Project Name: CodeHive
Project Track: Builder
Team Name: HiveTeam
Team Member(2): @arman @elluminaZK
Devpost Project Link:
Project Website:
Project Video Link: Youtube Link
Twitter Handle : codehive01

:goal_net: Project Goal :

Built during Season 6 of the hackathon, CodeHive garnered immense support from fellow developers and the community, leading to two prize wins. We are back with an even more optimized, user-centric experience. With a clean UI, reduced compilation speeds, gasless question submissions, and much more, CodeHive continues to empower developers on the Tron blockchain while fostering innovation in coding challenges.

The goal behind this current upgrade is to respond to the increasing demand within the developer community for a more accessible and efficient platform. Previously, Devs faced challenges with high submission fees and late more code submissions time. By eliminating gas fees and significantly improving the user experience, we’re enabling developers and businesses to interact seamlessly. Our latest features are designed to facilitate easier problem submissions, ensuring that both parties can engage more effectively while inspiring collaboration and creativity in coding.

:star: New and Improved CodeHive

In this new season, we’ve optimized the platform to make it even more user-friendly and efficient for developers and problem posters alike:

  • Effortless Question Uploading: We’ve streamlined the process of posting coding challenges, making it simpler and more intuitive than ever before.
  • Gas-Free Question Submission: Unlike the previous version, there’s now no need to pay gas fees for submitting coding problems to the platform, ensuring a smoother and cost-effective experience for users.
  • Optimized User Interface: We’ve overhauled the UI, creating a cleaner and more responsive design that enhances the overall user experience.
  • Faster Compilation Times: The time taken to compile and submit code solutions has been significantly reduced, making the problem-solving process much faster and more efficient.
  • Scalable Backend Architecture: We’ve shifted our backend framework from Express (Node.js) to NestJS, providing improved scalability, maintainability, and structured development. This upgrade allows us to handle more users, build complex features seamlessly, and improve the overall performance of the platform.

:technologist: Project Test Instructions:

  1. Visit to access the platform.
  2. Post or solve coding challenges easily with no additional gas fees.
  3. Participate in challenges and see the rewards you can earn with reduced compilation times and a streamlined interface.
  4. Submit code solutions directly via our revamped and scalable backend powered by NestJS.

:bookmark: Project Details:

CodeHive is designed to empower developers and simplify the coding experience on Tron. With our latest updates—zero gas fees for question submissions, an optimized UI, faster compilation times, and a robust NestJS backend—CodeHive is now more efficient, scalable, and production-ready than ever.

Our mission is to create a seamless platform where developers can tackle coding challenges, earn rewards, and collaborate with businesses. By removing entry barriers and enhancing accessibility, we’re driving innovation and growth within the Tron ecosystem, ensuring CodeHive is a go-to tool for developers seeking both opportunity and impact.

1. Username Prompt for New Users

To enhance the user development experience, CodeHive now requires every new user to register with a unique username during their first login. This will allow users to be identified by their username, rather than by their wallet address, fostering a more personal and community-driven environment for problem-solving.

2. Enhanced “My Questions” Page

We’ve revamped the “My Questions” page to improve the user interface, making it more intuitive and informative compared to version 1. The page now provides better insights into question details, making it easier for users to manage their posted questions.

3. Bounty Funding and Management

A new feature allows question creators to set and fund bounties for their questions directly from the myquestions/{questionid} page. This feature encourages higher engagement from the community, providing incentives for developers to solve questions.

4. Workspace Optimization

The workspace UI in CodeHive has been enhanced to make coding more seamless for users. It is now more responsive, with better layouts, making it easier to write, run, and debug code submissions.

5. Faster Compilation with Judge0

We’ve integrated Judge0 for a faster and more efficient code compilation experience. Compilation times have been significantly reduced, and we’ve added support for bulk test case processing, allowing developers to test their solutions faster.

6. Detailed Submissions Page

A brand new “My Submissions” page now provides detailed submission statuses such as:

  • Accepted Submissions
  • Errored Submissions
  • Wrong Submissions

Users can now view all relevant information in one place and track their progress.

7. What’s Next for CodeHive - Phase 3 :rocket:

As we continue evolving CodeHive, here’s what’s in store for the next phase of development:

  • Multi-Language Support :earth_africa:
    We’re expanding our platform to support multiple programming languages, making CodeHive accessible to a global community of developers and enabling coding challenges in your preferred language.
  • Contests and Events :dart:
    Get ready for exciting coding competitions and hackathons! CodeHive will soon introduce organized contests, offering developers the chance to showcase their skills, compete for rewards, and grow in the community.
  • Focus on Marketing :loudspeaker:
    We’re ramping up our marketing efforts to spread the word about CodeHive, reaching a broader audience and bringing more coders and bounties to the platform.
  • Advertising Revenue Model :moneybag:
    To keep CodeHive free and sustainable, we’ll implement an advertising revenue model within the app, ensuring we can continue providing value to our users while keeping the user experience seamless.

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welcome back team, all the best


Welcome to Grand hackathon S7, wishing you all the best as you continue to build


Welcome back to the hackathon season 7, when you say Gas free question submission, does it mean that users will be able to post coding questions without paying any fees?

If this is correct, how are you going to get revenue to sustain the longevity of this project?


Welcome back to hackaTRON team ! Good luck !

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thanks for the welcome, @Chukseucharia ! To clarify, in version 1 of our project, question submitters had to pay gas fees to sign the contract, and all the question data was stored on-chain, which led to higher gas costs. wwe’ve since optimized the process and now, the question submitters only need to pay the bounty amount along with a pre ddefined platform fee. This change reduces gas fee overhead while still maintaining the platform’s sustainability. I hope this answers your question—thanks again!

thanks for the welcome and good wishes fam :hugs: @Prince-Onscolo @HODL


Welcome to Hackathon Season 7, glad to witness your rebound as you’re an O.G in the forum that doesn’t require much introduction. Moving forward, this is an interesting initiative at fostering a coding culture within the TRON ecosystem.
What is your long-term monetization strategy? Will there be premium features, sponsored challenges, or other revenue streams?

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Ok that was a great explanation and it answered my question.

One area I have got a question to ask also is on how question data is now managed after you optimize the process of submitting questions. Is it still stored on-chain or have you moved to a different storage solution?

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thanks for welcome my freind @manfred_jr, yes we do have plans for sponsored challenges and ads system on platform as part of our monetization strategy. willl discuss this more on our roadmap section in the post. stay tuned :v:

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Glad it answered your question !

That’s a great question! To optimize gas fees and enhance the user experience, we’ve shifted the question data storage to a PostgreSQL database. In the previous version, we used Pinata for storage. However, we can also switch back to BTFS storage, which is now more accessible and as easy to use as Pinata for pinning files and images. You can check out our new hackathon project, RentHub BTFS, for more details. If you’re a developer, I think you’ll really enjoy it! Feel free to ask any questions there too.

thanks !

Welcome to the Hackathon of season 7, I am still remember you from last season and I voted for you, you have really good project so I wish you good good things, thank you

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Oh wow, this is a really promising approach. Will there be an option for users to subscribe to an ad-free experience? Some users might prefer to pay a subscription fee to avoid ads, providing another potential revenue stream.

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if we get the ad model for monetization on platform, its not going to be the annoying ads you see on spotify, the ads will be more like company interviews ads, courses, etc. something like what you see on leetcode or hackerrank. thanks !

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This approach totally ensures that ads will be more relevant and less disruptive, it’s great to hear that the ad model will be more aligned with educational and professional opportunities.
Ensuring that ads are displayed in non-intrusive area can maintain a positive user experience, so how frequently will ads appear on the platform, and where will they be placed?

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yeah exactly ! how frequently the ads will appear, can’t estimate the exact number but we assure we wont annoy any devs altho we have to think about the ads on platform, we are still in talks. thanks !

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Thanks for giving this answer, I am glad to know about the transition of your question data storage from pinnata to a PostgreSQL database. I have a question to ask about this transition.

Beyond gas fee reductions, have you noticed any significant improvements on performance, e.g query times or storage efficiency since moving to PostgreSQL database?

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I’m glad to answer any questions! :hugs: The speed of response has definitely improved, especially on addition questions page, which has enhanced the overall user experience. It’s exciting to see how these changes contribute to a more efficient and enjoyable interaction. If you have any specific queries or topics you’d like to discuss, feel free to ask!

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What is the progress for Codehive since last hackaTRON? How many devs have took part in codehive? How was the prize money from last season used?


Thank you for your questions!

Regarding your first question, Codehive has undergone significant changes since the last hackaTRON, with many improvements and new features in development as listed above.

As for your second question, we currently have two developers actively working on a project, but we plan to expand the team soon to deliver more products on the Tron platform.

In response to your third question, we allocated the prize money towards AWS services for our 24/7 backend operations, domain registrations, and development costs for our new project, Renthub BTFS. This project requires additional SSH servers for testing to effectively run the nodes. While we haven’t utilized a large portion of the funds yet, we intend to hire designers, developers, auditors and obviosly on the marketting in the coming months.

Thanks again for your inquiries!

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