CodeHive - Crack the Code, Reap the Rewards! 💰

Development Update :

the problem addition page for the questioner’s is up and ready :rocket:


Thank you for your response, I appreciate it.
Really, addressing the challenge of assuring the accuracy of user-generated challenges is critical to the Code Hive platform’s integrity.

How soon do you intend to respond to user-reported erroneous or troublesome concerns, and what steps will you take to prioritize and handle these reports in a timely manner?

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Thanks for reaching out and acknowledging the importance of maintaining accuracy on the Code Hive platform. It’s definitely a top priority for us.

When it comes to responding to user-reported issues, our goal is to be quick on our feet. We understand that timely responses are key to keeping everyone happy.

If multiple users report the same issue, we’ll thoroughly investigate and take appropriate action. For instance, if the problem statement is irrelevant to the coding challenge, we’ll request the questioner to revise it. If the problem statement and coding challenge are entirely irrelevant, we’ll remove the problem statement from the platform

Thanks for your support and understanding as we work to make Code Hive the best it can be.

Cheers :v:


Oook for the misunderstanding on your offering, I don’t know where the mistake is from currently, maybe it’s a question that is meant for another submission. I will check.

The right question for your participation is how you plan to handle cases where multiple users submit solutions for the same coding problem within the specified time frame?


Emphasizing on trust and fairness here, what steps do are you taking to maintain fairness and prevent bias in the evaluation process of submitted solutions?

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It’s excellent to learn about your commitment to responding quickly and taking necessary action based on user-reported issues. For further clarity, how do you plan to notify users about the resolution of reported issues?

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Welcome to the Tron hackathon Season 6. It’s exciting to see a space where coding talent meets opportunity, and where complex problems can find creative solutions. But I have this question

What process will be in place to vet the challenges submitted by individuals and businesses?

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Hi there,

Thanks for your question! When it comes to handling cases where multiple users submit solutions for the same coding problem, our approach is straightforward. The winner for the bounty is determined based on who solves the problem first.

Here’s how it works: Let’s say User A submits a solution and it’s correct. In that case, the reward, which is stored in escrow, is released and sent to User A as the winner. Now, if User B attempts to submit a solution after User A has already won, they won’t be able to do so since the problem has already been solved and the reward claimed.


Regarding fairness on the platform, here are the steps we’re taking:

  • Test cases are hidden when users submit solutions to coding problems, similar to other coding platforms.
  • Only one test case is visible to users during the submission process.
  • Participation fees for bounty problems are standardized for all users, as set by the questioner.
  • The platform operates on the blockchain, ensuring transparency as all actions are recorded on the blockchain.
  • In cases where multiple users submit solutions for the same problem within the specified time frame, the first person to solve the problem is declared the winner. (already mentioned in your previous question)
  • Transparency and integrity are maintained throughout the evaluation process, with all interactions being recorded and verifiable on the blockchain

I believe the response to your second question should address your previous question.

ps : here is the screenshot illustrating the first point :

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thanks for the question !

to notify the users about the current state of the problem, we will have something like a tag on top of the problem For example, if an issue has been resolved, the tag may indicate “Resolved” or “Deprecated” to signify that the problem has been reported too many times and taken down. This ensures that users are kept informed about the status of reported issues and any updates regarding the problem.

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Thanks for the warm welcome and your keen interest in our project! :star2:

Here’s a simplified overview of how Code Hive works:
Users can post coding problems along with a bounty reward. :dart: If a user successfully solves the problem within the specified time frame, they receive the reward. :moneybag: However, if no solution is found, the fees and bounty revert back to the original poster.

P.S. We’ll be uploading the architecture design shortly for better visual understanding.

I assume you have missed out the answer to your question.

here it is. Thank you :blush:

feel free to ask any question that you may have :smiley:

Alright thank you for this reply, I have be waiting for it, for non tech people like me the journeys to be effective it is important to ensure they are clear, concise, and easy to follow for beginners with no coding experience.


Yes Totally, we’ll keep that in mind. Thanks :v:

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Hi team, the project idea is incredibly innovative and promising. It has the potential to attract web2 developers to the web3 coding platform.

Best of luck @arman @elluminaZK!


Thanks for the kind words @Nahidbanu. glad you like our project :rocket:


Hey @arman and @elluminaZK! your project codehive sounds like a game-changer for developers, offering rewards for problem-solving challenges.

Could you share more about how codehive fosters innovation and collaboration within the tech community? Do you have other social media accounts apart from twitter where interested developers can follow your progress? :rocket:


Thank you So much for the support


Thank you for the appreciationđŸ€“,

More on CodeHive, being an platform that shrunken the gap b/w the web2 coding people and web3 community, hence bringing on a whole new section to WEB3 ( ✓ way better community on web3 for a CP niece), furthermore creating such an platform creates an example for future inovations to build upon

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Hello friend good day. We are too participating this season with our QuestArcade project in the Artistry category.

CodeHive is a very original idea, and it looks like you thought everything through. We look forward to testing your project. Please complete it before the deadline so that this project can reach the places it deserves.