Exon Energy - decrease fee in Tron network up to 10 times!

Thats true - you can swap on DEX or send LP tokens into farming with very low fee. Our team Exon Center, which is a big TRON promoter in Europe, is going to release new service in our ecosystem.

Our users can stake their TRX on our smart-contract and last one will provide Energy, which will be used by users when they make any operations on our platfrom. For example, user will pay not 65 TRX fee for swap but 10 TRX, which will be distributed to all Exon Energy participants as a reward.

In first version this solution will work only in our services, but in version 2 any Tron project can integrate this to their service.

Feel free to ask questions)


Well, there is a big problem with transaction fees nowadays. So it’s great decision.

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After start Stake 2.0 in mainnet we will launch this solution.

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Hola, parece una buena propuesta, espero más detalles. Gracias

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Amazing, that’s pretty cool if implemented as soon as possible, with these low transactions fees it will attract more investors to the Tron ecosystem :fire:, I can’t wait to embrace this great development on Tron

Keep building
I wish the team and the project best of luck


Great one, but I need some clarification…
As a user of your platform do u have to stake tron on your platform to qualify for this lesser fees or all users benefits from this whether you stake your tron on the platform or not?

welcome back brother :pray:

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In 2-3 weeks we will share all details .

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Thank you for your feedback. We will make Tron great again)

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We can achieve greater things together :handshake::muscle:

Why not? Do you have a community?

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Still on the building process

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Still waiting for an answer please @exoncenter

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Yo entiendo que será bajo su plataforma

If users want to earn TRX on Exon Energy - they need to stake tron on our platfrom, but if users want just make swap - they dont need tron to stake. They will swap on DEX with low fee.


Yes, but in near future we can share this solution to any other project.


Thank you so much
Like it
Keep building :pray:t2:
Eyes on you


Es una buena alternativa contar compartir con otros proyectos.

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We will infor all forum users)

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Yes, we know that fee is a big problem for promotion projects on Tron blockchain and we will fix it!

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