Fractional Real Estate on TRON

Project Name: Fractional Real Estate on TRON

Project Track: integration

Team Name: EsetateX

Team Member(s):

  • 1 Member
  • Forum Username: bahadirciloglu

DevPost Project Link:

Project Goal:

The goal of the Fractional Real Estate on TRON project is to democratize real estate investment by leveraging blockchain technology to tokenize properties as NFTs and enable fractional ownership through TRC-20 tokens. By allowing investors to trade, stake, and access real estate markets in a decentralized and accessible way, the platform aims to remove traditional barriers to entry and create a more inclusive and liquid real estate ecosystem.

Project Value:

This project creates value by making real estate investment more:

  • Accessible: Lowers entry barriers for small investors by allowing fractional ownership.
  • Transparent: Utilizes blockchain for verifiable and immutable property ownership records.
  • Decentralized: Removes intermediaries, giving investors direct control over their assets.
  • Liquid: Enables trading of fractional shares, increasing liquidity in traditionally illiquid markets.
  • Secure: Stores property documents securely using BTFS (BitTorrent File System).

Project Info:

Fractional Real Estate on TRON is a decentralized platform that tokenizes real estate properties using the TRON blockchain. It allows for:

  • Tokenization of Properties: Properties are represented as NFTs (TRC-721 tokens) on the TRON blockchain.
  • Fractional Ownership: Investors can own fractions of properties through TRC-20 tokens.
  • Trading and Staking: Users can trade fractional property tokens on decentralized exchanges like Sunswap and stake them for rewards.
  • Decentralized Storage: Property documents are securely stored using BTFS.
  • Efficient Transactions: TRON’s fast and low-cost transactions enhance investment efficiency.

Project Website:

Project Test Instructions:

Project Test Instructions

To test the Fractional Real Estate on TRON platform:

1. Clone the Repository


Copy code

git clone
cd Fractional-Real-Estate-on-TRON

2. Install Dependencies

Ensure Node.js and npm are installed. Then run:


Copy code

npm install

3. Set Up Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory and add your TRON private key:


Copy code


4. Compile the Smart Contracts

Use TronBox to compile:


Copy code

tronbox compile

5. Deploy the Smart Contracts

Deploy to the TRON Shasta Testnet:


Copy code

tronbox migrate --network shasta

6. Run Tests

Execute predefined tests:


Copy code

tronbox test --network shasta

7. Run the Frontend

Start the frontend server:


Copy code

npm start

8. Access the Platform

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

9. Connect Wallet

  • Install the TronLink extension.
  • Switch to the TRON Shasta Testnet.
  • Connect your wallet to the platform.

10. Test Platform Features

  • Mint NFTs: Mint new property NFTs via the platform.
  • Fractionalize Ownership: Create TRC-20 tokens representing property shares.
  • Trade Tokens: Buy, sell, or stake tokens on Sunswap.
  • BTFS Storage: Upload and verify property documents.

11. Verify Transactions

  • Use TRON Shasta Testnet explorer to view transactions.
  • Check smart contract logs in the console.

Project Details:

Project Description

Fractional Real Estate on TRON is a decentralized platform that tokenizes real estate properties using the TRON blockchain. It allows for:

  • Tokenization of Properties: Properties are represented as NFTs (TRC-721 tokens) on the TRON blockchain.
  • Fractional Ownership: Investors can own fractions of properties through TRC-20 tokens.
  • Trading and Staking: Users can trade fractional property tokens on decentralized exchanges like Sunswap and stake them for rewards.
  • Decentralized Storage: Property documents are securely stored using BTFS.
  • Efficient Transactions: TRON’s fast and low-cost transactions enhance investment efficiency.
  • Thought for 24 seconds

Fractional Real Estate on TRON

Track: Integration

Team Name: RealtyX

Team Member:

  • Forum Username: bahadirciloglu

GitHub Repository: Fractional Real Estate on TRON

Project Goal

The goal of the Fractional Real Estate on TRON project is to democratize real estate investment by leveraging blockchain technology to tokenize properties as NFTs and enable fractional ownership through TRC-20 tokens. By allowing investors to trade, stake, and access real estate markets in a decentralized and accessible way, the platform aims to remove traditional barriers to entry and create a more inclusive and liquid real estate ecosystem.

Project Value

This project creates value by making real estate investment more:

  • Accessible: Lowers entry barriers for small investors by allowing fractional ownership.
  • Transparent: Utilizes blockchain for verifiable and immutable property ownership records.
  • Decentralized: Removes intermediaries, giving investors direct control over their assets.
  • Liquid: Enables trading of fractional shares, increasing liquidity in traditionally illiquid markets.
  • Secure: Stores property documents securely using BTFS (BitTorrent File System).

Project Description

Fractional Real Estate on TRON is a decentralized platform that tokenizes real estate properties using the TRON blockchain. It allows for:

  • Tokenization of Properties: Properties are represented as NFTs (TRC-721 tokens) on the TRON blockchain.
  • Fractional Ownership: Investors can own fractions of properties through TRC-20 tokens.
  • Trading and Staking: Users can trade fractional property tokens on decentralized exchanges like Sunswap and stake them for rewards.
  • Decentralized Storage: Property documents are securely stored using BTFS.
  • Efficient Transactions: TRON’s fast and low-cost transactions enhance investment efficiency.

Key Features

  1. Real Estate Tokenization
  • Properties are digitized as TRC-721 NFTs.
  • Ensures verifiable and immutable ownership records.
  1. Fractional Ownership
  • Properties are divided into fractions via TRC-20 tokens.
  • Makes high-value real estate accessible to small investors.
  1. Staking and Trading
  • Fractional tokens can be staked for rewards.
  • Enables trading on decentralized exchanges like Sunswap.
  1. Decentralized Storage with BTFS
  • Secure storage of property documents.
  • Enhances transparency and trust.
  1. Low-Cost, Fast Transactions
  • Leverages TRON’s scalable network.
  • Reduces transaction fees and times.

Technology Stack

  • Blockchain Platform: TRON Blockchain
  • Smart Contracts: Solidity (compatible with TRON Virtual Machine)
  • Development Tools:
    • TronWeb: JavaScript library for interacting with TRON nodes.
    • TronBox: Framework for smart contract development and deployment.
  • Frontend Framework: React.js
  • Decentralized Storage: BTFS (BitTorrent File System)
  • Decentralized Exchange Integration: Sunswap
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Cloud Services: Google Cloud Platform

Problem Solved

The platform addresses:

  • High Entry Barriers: Allows small investors to participate in real estate markets.
  • Liquidity Issues: Enables easy trading of property shares, increasing market liquidity.
  • Lack of Transparency: Blockchain ensures transparent and immutable transaction records.
  • Inefficiencies: Reduces costs and delays associated with traditional real estate transactions.

Future Enhancements

  • Lending Integration: Allow borrowing against fractional property shares.
  • Global Expansion: Include international property listings.
  • Mobile Application: Develop iOS and Android apps for better accessibility.
  • Enhanced DeFi Features: Integrate with more DeFi protocols for diversified investment options.

Video Demo:

Smart Contract links:

  1. ApeNFTRealEstate (ERC-721 - Tokenization of Properties)
  • [TRON Shasta Testnet URL for ERC-721 contract] (Replace with actual link)
  1. FractionalOwnership (ERC-20 - Fractional Property Shares)
  • [TRON Shasta Testnet URL for ERC-20 contract] (Replace with actual link)
  1. SunswapLiquidity (Liquidity Provision for Fractional Tokens)
  • [TRON Shasta Testnet URL for Sunswap Liquidity contract] (Replace with actual link)
  1. JustlendStaking (Staking and Lending Contract)
  • [TRON Shasta Testnet URL for Staking contract] (Replace with actual link)

Project Milestones

Week 1

  • Smart Contract Development:
    • Finalize TRC-721 and TRC-20 contracts.
    • Test contracts on TRON Shasta Testnet.
  • Decentralized Storage Integration:
    • Implement BTFS for document storage.
  • Frontend Integration:
    • Connect frontend with smart contracts.
    • Enable NFT minting and token trading features.

Week 2

  • DeFi Integration:
    • Integrate Sunswap for liquidity provision.
    • Integrate Justlend for staking functionalities.
  • Comprehensive Testing:
    • Perform end-to-end testing.
    • Optimize for user experience and performance.
  • Final Deployment:
    • Deploy on TRON Mainnet.
    • Begin user onboarding.

These milestones are designed to ensure that the project reaches deployment within two weeks, with all core features functioning as intended.


Welcome to session 7. Your project is okay. If only it will simply for people to use. Please why is Binance in here. I mean what data collected from binance?


Welcome to Hackathon Season 7, I really love a lengthy read and quite fascinating how this is very detailed.
Optimizing crypto portfolios by leveraging AI for analysis and decision-making, integrating Binance trading data, and using TRON’s DeFi protocols for automated actions like rebalancing, yield farming, and staking feels like a degen solution to me.

Moving forward, what’s the project’s revenue model? Is there a fee structure for users, such as performance fees, management fees, or gas fees? How does this align with users’ incentives for using the platform?


Welcome to Grand hackathon S7, still wondering if your projects fit in on Defi or integration :thinking: reading through though will still come back to ask questions


Welcome to the Hackathon of season 7, what kind of tutorial do you have for your users that are not very experienced, I am asking because I am still very much new to ai things, thank you

1 Like

Great idea. I think you should intergrate htx


Whatever happened to the founders?


Hehe can’t tell bro , all hands still crossed waiting for their updates


Thank you for your question! The reference to Binance was initially considered for integrating external data related to market liquidity or price feeds, but after further refinement, the focus of the project shifted entirely to real estate tokenization on the TRON blockchain. No data from Binance is being collected in the current version of the project.

The platform now leverages TRON’s decentralized infrastructure and its integration with BTFS, Sunswap, and Justlend for trading, staking, and decentralized storage. The goal is to keep the system streamlined and ensure an accessible, user-friendly experience for real estate investors.

1 Like

Thank you for the great feedback and insightful question! Initially, the project did explore the idea of integrating AI and Binance data for crypto portfolio management. However, we’ve since pivoted the focus to real estate tokenization on TRON, enabling fractional ownership and trading of real estate assets in a decentralized manner.

As for the revenue model, the platform will generate revenue through the following mechanisms:

  1. Transaction Fees: Small fees will be applied on every transaction involving the buying, selling, and staking of fractional real estate tokens.
  2. Staking Fees: Users who stake their tokens for rewards may be charged a small staking fee to cover operational costs.
  3. Platform Usage Fees: As new features like lending or property listings are introduced, additional fees may apply for premium services.

This fee structure ensures the sustainability of the platform while aligning with user incentives. Users can enjoy low transaction costs due to TRON’s efficient network and maximize their returns from staking or trading fractional property shares. The goal is to create a fair and transparent system that benefits both small and large investors alike.

Thank you for your question, Ines! For users who are not very experienced, we are creating easy-to-follow tutorials that will guide them through the essential steps of using the Fractional Real Estate on TRON platform. These tutorials will cover:

  1. Setting up a TRON wallet (like TronLink)
    Step-by-step instructions on how to install, set up, and connect your wallet to the platform.
  2. Minting Property NFTs
    A detailed walkthrough on how to tokenize real estate properties by minting NFTs on the TRON blockchain.
  3. Fractional Ownership
    An introduction to how fractional ownership works and how users can buy, sell, and stake property shares through the platform.
  4. Trading on Sunswap
    Basic tutorials on trading fractional tokens on Sunswap, including how to provide liquidity and earn rewards.

Each tutorial will be beginner-friendly with video explanations, ensuring that users can confidently navigate the platform. These tutorials will be available on the platform and through our community channels.

Thank you again for your interest!

1 Like

Thank you for your suggestion, Lil_Starburst! Integrating HTX is definitely something we are considering for future iterations of the platform. HTX DAO provides robust decentralized governance, and integrating it could add value in managing property listings, voting on new features, and even handling community-driven decision-making processes. We’ll explore how HTX could be incorporated into the platform to give users more control and enhance the decentralized nature of the project. Thanks again for your input.

Thanks for your question, Manfred! The original founders of this project are still actively involved in guiding the platform’s development and vision. We’ve been working closely with the TRON community and various decentralized partners to ensure that the platform evolves and meets the needs of users. Our focus has been on building a decentralized solution that empowers real estate investors through tokenization and blockchain technology. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to expand and improve!

1 Like

Thanks for the patience. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes and are excited to share that some key updates are coming soon. Stay tuned for new features, improvements, and a roadmap for the next stages of the project. We appreciate your support and look forward to bringing you more exciting updates very soon.

1 Like

Okay thank you for letting us know this. But you took lots of time.

1 Like

Finally some steam in the interaction of your project submission. But nonetheless, your proposed revenue streams, transaction fees, staking fees, and platform usage fees appear to be well thought out and aligns with maintaining sustainability of your platform. In my opinion, I think you should consider introducing a tiered fee structure based on the transaction volume or the amount staked, this could incentivize high-value transactions and long-term staking while making it affordable for smaller investors.

Moving forward, we all know real estate tokenization often involves complex legal considerations, so how do you plan to navigate regulatory requirements across different regions, especially as you scale to include global properties?

1 Like

Even if it took very very long for you to reply to me I still thank you for your reply, putting on value ontop of user education with beginner friendly lesson is a good thing to do, please tell me for your users that are going to face issue when they do the onboarding process what support are you going to make available to help them, thank you

1 Like

We worked hard on the previous project, then conducted a SWOT analysis to develop this new idea, which took time. This shows that planning is crucial.

1 Like

Thank you for your valuable feedback! I’m glad to hear that the proposed revenue streams align well with the sustainability goals of the platform. Your suggestion to introduce a tiered fee structure based on transaction volume or staked amounts is insightful and definitely something worth exploring. It could indeed incentivize higher-value transactions while remaining accessible to smaller investors, as you pointed out.

As for navigating the complex legal considerations of real estate tokenization, we are planning to work closely with legal experts across different regions to ensure full compliance with regulatory requirements. We aim to build a scalable legal framework that adapts to the local laws while facilitating global property inclusion. Thank you for highlighting this crucial aspect, and we will certainly continue to refine our approach as the project progresses.

1 Like

Thank you for your patience and for understanding. I’m glad you found the beginner-friendly lessons valuable. For users who may face challenges during the onboarding process, we are committed to providing comprehensive support. This includes a detailed FAQ section, a step-by-step onboarding guide, and live chat support where users can get real-time assistance. Additionally, we are planning to create tutorial videos to make the learning process even smoother. Your feedback is much appreciated, and we will continue working to enhance user experience.