Where this transaction fees are back to normal? What is normal here?
Well the transaction fees if not back to normal has been reduced so as to make it affordable for small holder and Tronics to deal with.
You can also read here via this link
Okay you mean the txn fees for TRON on binance exchange. Got it
Yes mate reduced Tron transaction fees on Binance.
Yes, according to our founder, Sun
He said the aim is to
Make it affordable for users and encourage massive adoption
Afcourse, itâs a very good news
Would have been cooler if they didnât increase on-chain cost of energy.
En eso estamos de acuerdo
What we need now is low on chain fees
Yes we need low transaction.
For it will encourage both new and old users to build on the chain
By so doing, demand for the chain of created and increased too
Finally, KuCoin has reduced trc fees
Eso es bueno para los usuarios del exchange
Does anyone know how to fix this error
Transaction Revert
for (const fromAddress of fromAddresses) {
const contract = await tronWeb.contract().at(âTR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6tâ); // Substitua pelo contrato TRC20 real
const amount = await contract.balanceOf(fromAddress).call();
if (amount.toNumber() > 0) {
const transaction = await contract.transfer(toAddress, amount).send({
feeLimit: 100000000, // Limite de taxa
privateKey: privateKey,
//console.log(`TransferĂȘncia da carteira ${fromAddress} concluĂda. Hash da transação: ${transaction.txid}`);