Hackathon 2022 S2 - Vote for your favorite projects here!

Hey everyone! :wave:

First of all, let us say thank you for all the support we received so far and we’re wishing good luck to all the participants, old or new!

We see there’s some heated debate about the fairness of the voting, but we believe, as a new team & project on TRON if a team puts in the effort, they can also make it happen. Plus, in the eyes of judges it won’t really matter how many votes you get here, instead how innovative your product is and how it can contribute to the success of the TRON ecosystem as a whole.

Of course, it might be a bit easier for older projects to get votes, but it’s just the Forum part. Also we don’t forget that these projects already put in tremendous work into building their community and kepping them engaged. Now their previous work is paying off.

We’re not the 1st in the DeFi category, yet, but no matter which place we are at, we will continue to buidl on all front, make updates in our thread and keep up with answering all the questions we get. Then we hope the community will notice us, review other projects & us in detail and make a choice.

We believe the Hackathon is about building bridges, getting some recognition and of course listening to the community’s feedback and suggestions. The prize to be won is a nice addition to this of course and helps a lot in building a better product, but without a community & active users you cannot get far.

All in all, let’s browse & review the projects, ask questions and vote for your favourite! #TronStrong
