Hackathon 2022 S2 - Vote for your favorite projects here!

In the event that the community approves of attracting a biased audience for voting, the number of subscribers will decide. Is it right?


If every time a project that already has an audience wins, then why hold a contest? And among the newcomers there can be really interesting projects. But they go unnoticed only because others have a community that will certainly support them.
Therefore, the decision should be made by independent experts and only.


We can hold a competition “Who will attract more people to vote.”


I sure hope the judges don’t just go on here and look at the top voted projects


Good luck everyone! Hope everyone gets the votes they deserve.


Also, for the DevPost prizes, there is a jury that looks to all the core values of projects. Therefore, I think projects with a smaller audience will have a chance.


Just because you have the biggest community doesn’t mean you are putting up the best entry for the hackerthon, each projects needs to be looked at carefully and be accessed by what they have build, having the best developers win will bring strength to the whole TronNetwork and new investments tronstrong


Hey everyone! :wave:

First of all, let us say thank you for all the support we received so far and we’re wishing good luck to all the participants, old or new!

We see there’s some heated debate about the fairness of the voting, but we believe, as a new team & project on TRON if a team puts in the effort, they can also make it happen. Plus, in the eyes of judges it won’t really matter how many votes you get here, instead how innovative your product is and how it can contribute to the success of the TRON ecosystem as a whole.

Of course, it might be a bit easier for older projects to get votes, but it’s just the Forum part. Also we don’t forget that these projects already put in tremendous work into building their community and kepping them engaged. Now their previous work is paying off.

We’re not the 1st in the DeFi category, yet, but no matter which place we are at, we will continue to buidl on all front, make updates in our thread and keep up with answering all the questions we get. Then we hope the community will notice us, review other projects & us in detail and make a choice.

We believe the Hackathon is about building bridges, getting some recognition and of course listening to the community’s feedback and suggestions. The prize to be won is a nice addition to this of course and helps a lot in building a better product, but without a community & active users you cannot get far.

All in all, let’s browse & review the projects, ask questions and vote for your favourite! #TronStrong



It’s not shilling. It’s campaign management and marketing. It’s working hard over a period of time to actively engage users. Which is all part of, not only crypto projects but at the very least, basic business acumen. Which is needed to make anything successful. You cannot expect to bulid somthing and it immediately be seen by the masses, unless of course you purchase into a franchise. Days of the "bulid it and they will come " era of the Internet has long gone. You want to be seen in todays market you need a solid marketing plan. Of course this is only my opinion.


“Campaign management and marketing” has never before been a part of a hackathon lol and I think that is what people are upset about. Usually, a hackathon is that during a specific period of time people show up and create applications that they are later evaluated on. I have never seen a hackathon before where so many projects are obviously built long time before the hackathon started (and that provide no github repo and commit history at all for the judges to check when it was developed). Especially the BTTC projects, the majority of them are literally projects from other EVM chains who have taken 1 day out of their time to write a forum post on how they will move to BTTC and then deploy their already written contracts to BTTC (literally one config change). If you deploy on Tron, you at least have to change some stuff on the frontend (not much though), on BTTC you can literally use the exact same code as on other chains.

And this is where my main issue with the marketing arises because these projects will obviously (at least hopefully) not fool the judges but they will still manage to get away with $5-$10k from the community pool.


in an offline hackathon, old projects would not be accepted, especially those that won in the past. the problem is that this is not an offline hackathon) I want Tron to launch an offline hackathon next year!)


I personally agree with you on EVM copy and paste projects to BTTC. But fortunately they are not the projects that are getting more votes right now.

I’m sure the judges will do their job and select the worthy projects for thr best interest of Tron and BTTC future.


Good luck everyone. This looks like a great


Im very excited to see all of this great projects on our Tron community. More and more people are adapting to this new phase of crypto


Good luck to all Teams, Keep up the good work :yum:


i agree with you thats unfair :sleepy:


There is no space for newcomers, and projects with huge community support are taking over, That’s clearly unfair, I think there should be a separate section/category for the projects like ‘‘Best Pre-Existing, Updated Solution’’ because we can’t judge all projects in the same plate. New dev might not have a big dev team and maybe they are short on the budget and because they are new, they don’t have community support. @jasonTron @admin.hackathon @Sirluke


i agree with you that’s unfair :dotted_line_face:


Hi @admin.hackathon , my project and others are also not showing up in this forum poll (in the devepost poll it is showing up).
What is happening?
Which is correct?


@justrugnft should win this hackathon first price.
Check their post
