Hackathon 2022 S2 - Vote for your favorite projects here!

Hi @admin.hackathon , my project is also not showing up in this forum poll (in the devepost poll it is showing up).
What’s happening?
Which is correct?


Great projects here. Best of luck to you all. My favourite project of all this list is JustMoney Pay the next STRIP for Crypto :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom:


It’s interesting! I love cukis world!!! Good luck!!


Let’s consider a few facts:

  1. The community prizes are given to the 8 most voted projects
  2. In every category, if you look at the top 8 spots, you’ll see several projects that are new or did not participate to S1
  3. Voting ends August 11th, so there’e plenty of time for the leaderboards to change

So I think that your statement that “There is no space for newcomers” does not correspond to the reality.

Furthermore, the community prize is just one seventh of the overall pot, so any outstanding project will get the chance to win the most important prizes assigned by the judges/experts, even if they don’t have a big supporting user base.

Let’s keep the focus on the bigger picture, which is to improve Tron/BTTC ecosystem by developing new apps to attract more users. If this task is accomplished by an established project or by a new one, it should not matter, as long as they both work for this goal.


Guys, look at the revolt


Hi @admin.hackathon , my project is also not showing up in this forum poll (in the devepost poll it is showing up).
What’s happening?

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I’m wondering if there are people here who don’t participate in the Hackathon :rofl:

Confess who did not vote for their own project :sweat_smile:


Most of them haven’t received their basic badges yet


Bro it affect all over there because a new devs will only have the time when this hackathon like 1 month and they are competing with the projects which are here for a long time. Do you think a project built in one month can compete with the projects having large team and sitting there for a long time. You admit or not there is a flaw. :smiley: @clashmaster007 @jasonTron


There are multiple projects that are in prize positions that I just don’t see how they are even valid submissions. I’m gonna take three from the defi category as examples.

Here is a line from the rules from @admin.hackathon:

Build (or significantly update) a software application/dApp/website that integrates with the TRON/BTTC blockchain

  1. Thanx finance - it’s a landing page (no tron related code whatsoever, just word salad that they want to support tron in the future). Summary: No code and no working web app. Does not integrate with TRON or BTTC blockchain.

  2. Crystl finance - I commented this on their post when they submitted it weeks ago and everything still holds:

How is this a submission for the hackathon though? You haven’t developed anything new on BTTC or Tron, just an idea of expanding your already developed project to BTTC? @admin.hackathon , no idea to have a hackathon if it’s just already developed projects “announcing” that they might move to the chain in question. Could just look at coingecko and there are 10000 projects that could do the exact same hoping to take home easy prize money.

Summary: On their website you can connect to 5 different chains, and none of them are Tron or BTTC. Approximately the same as if Uniswap would have made a submission. Does not integrate with TRON or BTTC blockchain.

  1. Carpe Diem Savings: Solidity contracts with the latest commit before may. A website that just says coming soon? Summary: Does not integrate with TRON or BTTC blockchain.

It would have been different if the rules of this hackathon would have been the same as for Season 1, but they are clearly not.

Sucks that I spent my time working on a project (didn’t finish because of the deadline), should have just focused my time on marketing and getting a “community” instead and submitted a landing page :+1:


yes that’s the point, that’s unfair@admin.hackathon


We agree with you :grinning:

Building bridges between the hackathon participants and the TRON and BTT community is part of the success.

Count on us if you think we can collaborate as a team :muscle:

I wish you much success

ERP: e-Plus

#TronStrong #Tronics


Is shilling allowed? Reallly


My answer was to the point about newcomers not being able to compete.

You are raising a different topic, on which I agree with you. Rules for S2 require the participants to deliver a working product on Tron or BTTC. Projects that do not fullfill that requirement should be excluded from the competition. But it’s not our call to make, the organizers have all the time to evaluate and take action IF they see a rule infringement.


Hey @labacke,

Thanks for taking your views in front of the community, you could’ve kindly post any concerns to our thread as well, we would’ve come back to you. Also, you would’ve seen all our weekly updates and what has been done since our submission.

To reply to your comment and allegations first of all, ThanX Finance is not just a landing page and if you would click through our menu, you would see that. Also, we have 25+ partners as of now with working deeplinks on our website that can generate income from which we will buyback tokens at launch.

Our token contract is currently being built and it will be live soon on the TRON blockchain. We also have an agreement with JustMoney that we will use their launchpad for it.

Also, please take your time and review our 20 page long Whitepaper about what we’re building here and you will clearly see the complexity of it. It’s hard to deploy contracts on TRON when we are building a bowser extension and mobile app. Plus, to be fair, we have more than 60 comments on our project page, so you would have the chance to comment like others did.

All in all, we welcome all questions, opinions about our project, so thank you for it.

We think it’s totally worthless to argue now, the judges and the community will evaluate every project including ours and we hope we will prove you wrong.

Good luck to you as well!


Such a nice projects! Good luck to everyone! :heart:


Thanks for this hackathon, Tron community is on fire again :fire:


N6 is a new project I like, please vote for them

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“Campaign Management and Marketing”? New new ways to avoid calling shilling “Shilling”! Never saw this as part of hackathon rules or any past hackathons ever happened in the world.

If this is how hackathons are won based on project’s shilling community strength, value of such hackathon would be 0 and no new Web3 developer will ever contribute again ever.

Most of you seem to be part of those shilled projects so playing defensive makes sense for you guys but maybe best to stop this debate and collectively plan on how your own communities and you guys can help plan the support and encouragement for new innovations and projects to motivate new participants and developers for the growth of Tron.

Let’s work on the win-win scenerio and fair voting instead of playing defensive.

I’ll start with a few pointers and let’s add more if you can:

  • Engage more with projects not having telegram/discord community

  • Provide Suggestions/Feedbacks, ask questions to such projects to understand more about such projects and their vision

  • Find synergies and partnership opportunities with projects that can add value to yours

  • A specific highlight thread of such projects to enable them to get more traction and votes from Tron Community as they are unable to get votes (visible in live voting results)

Feel free to add more pointers.


good luck to everyone - may the best project win