It is now official that the TronDAO Hackathon Season 5 will be starting up soon.
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Every devs that couldn’t beat the deadline in their HackaTRON S4 project submission now have all the time to prepare for the Hackathon Season 5 and work on submitting their projects on time.
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Hoping to see you all again
Thanks for sharing.
Gladly subscribed already.
Good news feelings
Gracias por la información.
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May 10, 2023, 8:00pm
so excited for the next one too
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wonderful, thanks for sharing it here
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Looking forward to it, thanks for sharing.
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We’re all gearing up towards the S5
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I believe this next session will be rated.
Five Star
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Any info on when it will start???
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kindly subscribe to the newsletter
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There is no doubt that we are going to record more success in the next hackathon. This S4 has already set the pace hot
I believe the standard began since session 3.
More coming
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If season 5 starts as early as possible, we might even witness a season 6 this same year. Tron hackathon is on fire right now.
Gear up for season 5. A storm is coming
I can’t wait for season 5 guys !
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Preparados para el S5, si continua con la trayectoria de este hackathon que ha puesto los listones muy altos, va a ser de escandalo.
My thought too. Let’s wait and see how soon the season 5 takes place. Then, except what comes after that.
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Im so excited about new season
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A storm is coming
A storm is coming:raised_hands:t4:
Same with most of us here. We love seeing interesting projects coming onboard during hackathons