HackaTRON S4 2023 - Winners Announcements!

Hi community and admins :wink: @admin.hackathon @StevenTRON

Team TronQL completed deploying on mainnet.
We support two networks: tron mainnet and tron nile.
We deployed smart contract to mainnet to pay for plans.

Here is smart contract - TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器
on github - tronql/tronbox at main · FerumFlex/tronql · GitHub
Also recorded small video how it works - Payment using smart contract in TronQL - YouTube


Congratulations to you all

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Congratulations on making it happen, wishing you all the best :handshake:

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I am happy to see the great work done by all developers in the HackaTRON S4 by deploying their projects to mainnet for the community to utilise. Kudos to you all for bringing value to the Tron ecosystem through your projects. Together, we can make Tron more sTRONger :muscle:


@admin.hackathon @support.hackathon
Good day! Ujjo works on mainnet!



Felicidades, sigue con el buen trabajo

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Did any one here from the community contributors prize receive disclaimer form?

Are we (community contributor’s prize winners) required to fill the disclaimer’s form too or it’s only reserved for projects that won prizes?
@admin.hackathon @support.hackathon @TronLive @EMerchant @admins


GM Buddy
Yes I too received the Disclaimer form
I filled and signed it.
Guess it for everyone that won.


Dear @admin.hackathon and @support.hackathon ,
if you don’t mind can you share when Determination Prizes and Engagement project winners will be declared ?
Thank you :eight_spoked_asterisk: :dove:


Hello Zombie Killers :woman_zombie: :man_zombie: :zombie:
Our ZombieLand is already live on Mainnet and also Alpha Version Released on Mobile.

CC : @admin.hackathon @support.hackathon
Thank you so much.


Yes. Mostly they will announce within this week

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Okay! I thought I should ask because in the illustration on how to fill the form, the mention was only for project winners. But since there is no harm in filling out the form, I think we should fill it too

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Ops, do you need illustration on how to filled the form?

Yh fill it out and replace the project name with your username on the forum. Wish you well

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No bro! I have already filled it

Argh! I filled in my name, not forum name, on it. Don’t know if this will cause some confusion to the team.
@admin.hackathon @EMerchant

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I think you did good.
Username as doc name, then real name inside the doc.


Please let me land in your DM Telegram.

Okay! My thought was that using other name inside an official doc doesn’t sound appropriate. Thanks for making your opinion known on this issue :pray:

@admin.hackathon were all qualifiers able to push their projects on MainNet. Haven’t seen any information about that

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