Invitación a creadores de proyectos de este s4

Hello @antonio, a great initiative and thanks for asking this question.

Here are the answer to your questions and what every new user should be aware of Classic Chords.

(1) Classic Chords is made for everyone who loves music and investors who like to invest in a new artist.

As an artist, you will get a platform where you can showcase your talent, mint a unique music NFT, and get a global audience who can request a song for their lives precious moments. Overall as an artist, you will get multiple options to monetise the platform.

As a music lover or an investor, you can enjoy unique music as well as live streams of your favourite artist. You can also invest in early artists and help them to grow fast and earn returns afterwards.

(2) It is a unique platform where you can mint NFTS from music as well as get multiple streams of income. As I explain in the above answer it can bring different opportunities for every user.

(3) We have tried to make the platform interactive and easy for every user.

We have tried to make a design and interface familiar to everyone. For instance, the design of the player page is like what we have in most of the applications available currently.

Investors can check Artis’s profile and if they like the artist they can directly invest in them by buying NFTs created by the artist.

This season we have made the live stream page and global song request page interactive so users can get a familiar feel with web3 features and innovative methods.

(4) Classic chords bring a unique way to mint an NFT and bring innovation by bringing music, generative art and web3 together.

Apart from that it provides musicians and investors with a unique platform to go stronger in their journey.

Hope this explains what Classic Chords does in a good way. Will be happy to resolve any further doubts anyone has.

Again, thanks for asking to collaborate on this post.