JustMoney Invoice - Online Invoicing Solution

We all also use Tron as an infrastructure. Still completely a new product and not improvement.

But Tron team can of course move us to a builder track if they see it necessary.


Well if you checked with them, it will be fine. But I think it’s a little weird. However good luck with the next steps



Looks like you’re scared of competition.

With such attitude and talking other projects down you will never ever win. This attitude is not helping Tron at all and its not a good start for your WEB3 project. It’s such a shame.

I believe competition will lead to customer excellence to get the best out of every project. If you want to win the hackatron you will compete with the best.

It is ridiculous, selfish and immature to say that’s wrong or ‘weird’.


Welcome to Grand Hackathon Season 5
Justmoney team always build to deliver
My small question is here, will this charge of $0.25 be stamped or be maintained at this price forever? Or is it contrary to change in the Nearest future?


Well everything can of course change. We will see how it goes but many payment gateways charge higher price than that so we just put lower price than the average was by our research.

This is the cost of the default payment gateway we use (JM Pay). In the future there may be even several payment gateways connected to it, depends if this product will fly or not.

If this product shows a lot of interest then there will be a reason to more and more invest time and resources to it.


 “joined 1 day ago” and already telling everyone how the hackathon works :joy::joy:

I hope you are not using this account to vote twice on your own project because that would be naughty.


Following your logic every organization should change their name, brand and reputation to build additional products? Shady people does that to hide
 Reputable brands use their name and history to back them up.
Let’s use competition as away to improve ourselves towards our customers and not the other way around.

Good luck everyone :slight_smile:


Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed :joy:
I can tell you how to verify in DM hehe
The questions are good, of course they have been generated by AI, but personally I prefer to answer real users questions instead.


I got that loud and clear, thanks for taking out the time to clarify.


There is a confusion between the terms: team, project, and product.

Traditionally, we referred to a team as a “project” if they maintained a consistent branding for several products. However, some builders opt for entirely different branding for each product, blurring the line between what is considered a project and a product. So, for them, “project” equates to “product.”

While we are not the project or team with the highest level of participation, you may have noticed us more than projects that have submitted twice as much as we have. The reason for this is our commitment to a cohesive and robust branding strategy. I am pleased to see your recognition because it signifies our success in establishing JustMoney’s brand.

Now, regarding the builder track: it was introduced to prevent projects/teams from returning each season with the same improved product, continuously outperforming new teams. It was decided that a team presenting the same product for the second, third, or fourth time would be placed in a dedicated track only if they could demonstrate significant improvements to the product.

For example, in Season 1, we presented our cross-chain swap and emerged as winners. In Season 4, we introduced our spot trading environment. Although we could have categorized it under DeFi, we chose the builder track, which was the most challenging, as we believed it would be fairer. JM Spot uses JM Swap in the backend, even though they are two different products. As you can see, our aim is not to manipulate the system.

Lastly, about JustMoney Invoice, it stands as a new and independent invoicing solution adaptable to various crypto payment systems. The objective here was not to enhance JM Pay but rather to offer the crypto industry an invoicing solution created by, for, and with users such as freelancers, startups, and dApps. We will continue to enhance it over time, taking into account the feedback we receive, without necessarily re-entering the hackathon with the same product in the future.

I also want to express my gratitude for your message, as it provides an excellent opportunity to remind the community that, whether it’s a hackathon or not, we remain committed to building and enhancing our products without trying to maximize our gains. For instance, in the last season, we developed JM Spot for Tron. Encouraged by the positive reception from the community and the judges, we decided to add support for BTTC. We could have chosen to participate twice, but that is not our approach.

We also developed a data indexer that enables DEXs to create in-house charts and transaction history tab. While we could have presented it during Season 4, we believed it wasn’t a significant enough product to participate in the HackaTron. Our goal is to participate only when we have a substantial solution that addresses a particular issue encountered by Tron & BTTC Ecosytem users.

Thanks again for your interest :pray:t2:


Alright, thanks for your response, wishing you all the best as you continue to build


Hahahaha I have bro, sometimes they make our questions useless with their ChatGPT questions lol


Maybe I should update the original post with:

CAUTION: ChatGPT generated questions will be answered with ChatGPT generated answers.


Just kidding but that kind of kills the initial purpose of including the community in the process and let them raise concerns, ask questions and give inputs.


Also about web3 and builders track, it is still confusing.

But invoice is different from swap so that makes it also a new product.

Last season, you added spot trading and you chose the perfect track because it was a needed feature for the swap.

This is same just justmoney pay which was in web 3 track. Perfect because it has nothing to do with the swap. Justmoney is making it easy that’s all you can find all products on the swap main site


I think I have discussed this with someone before that some questions are too good to be from Humans :joy::joy::joy:


Welcome to back JustMoney team ! Online Invoicing Solution is a great product which is being used by a huge number of people of in my country. In JustMoney Invoicing, the user authentication is through blockchain wallets, which makes it more secure than our traditional loggin systems.
My question for @fabsltsa is why community members cannot use ChatGPT to ask questions when many projects are creating their whole submissions around it or with it’s help? :stuck_out_tongue:


Community members can use ChatGPT haha I said “preferably not generated by ChatGPT”.

You also have to consider that “using ChatGPT to formulate your ideas in a perfect English” is totally different with “asking ChatGPT to generate ideas for you”.

If your English isn’t perfect, like me, it’s totally acceptable to ask an AI to make the text more intelligible so you don’t give everybody an headache :joy: However, it is not forbidden to generate questions with an AI but then
 it defeats imo the purpose of this exercice (interaction between the contestants and the community).


Hahaha you are correct. Even i am using GPT to correct my grammar. And yes community members should be asking some organic questions and use GPT to check if there are any technical points that go beyond their comprehension.


Welcome again, to this season of the TronDAO Hackathon. JustMoney is one of the Tron projects I use almost on dailies because of the quality products you guys keep bringing to your platform. Having an online invoice solution is one of it but what I don’t quite understand is why it’s important for crypto companies and freelancers. This might sound so dummy but do you mind giving me a heads up on its importance?


I don’t even want to talk about how such questions made me feel like I don’t know what am doing in this forum, Tron community and blockchain space in general :joy::joy::joy: