Project Name: Lazara - Generate NFTs with AI models
Project Track: NFT
Team Name: Lazara
Team Member(s): 1, @alleh
DevPost URL: Lazara - AI generated NFTs | Devpost
Youtube Video: Lazara - AI Generated NFTs - YouTube
Project Goal: AI generated NFTs and AI generated NFT collections
Project Website:
Project Info/Details:
There are two parts, the first is about generating an image and minting it into an EXISTING collection. The second is creating a collection, where users can later generate image and mint NFTs into the NEWLY CREATED collection. We are going to explain the first part here, because it is 100% finished.
It works like this:
You choose a collection, we have 4 test collections for the hackathon. They are
- The Random Collection (no restrictions on what prompts are allowed)
- The Space Collection (only allows space related promps)
- The Dog Collection (only allows dog related prompts)
- The Walter White (only allows promps that included Walter White)
If you choose “The Random Collection”, you can write whatever you want in the prompt. For example, you can write something like “mad yoda eating a sandwich”. This will trigger a request to our backend, where we run the model Stable Diffusion. Stable Diffusion will generate 1 or 4 images for you (depending on what you choose), and send them back to your browser. You can now choose to mint the Mad Yoda. When minting, the chosen Mad Yoda image will get uploaded to ipfs and then get minted on the chosen chain (Tron mainnet or Shasta testnet). When the minting is done, you can view the NFT at In fact, I did all of this, and here is the Mad Yoda I generated and minted: The Random Collection #11 - The Random Collection | APENFT
If you choose any of the other collections, then your prompt need to involve a word that is related to the connection. The words are shown on the page where you generate the images! You can test it for yourself here LAZARA.
Project Test Instructions:
Step 1: Go to LAZARA
Step 2: Choose collection
Step 3: Write a prompt and let the AI model generate images for you
Step 4: Mint the generated image
Step 5: View the newly created NFT on!
Project Milestones:
We want to support more models than we do currently! There are some open source models that we haven’t integrated yet, but we are also eagerly waiting for Google to launch access to Imagen, and OpenAI to launch API access for DALL-E 2. We also want to finish the “Create a Collection” part of the website. It’s also possible that we look into “image to image” generation, where users will be able to upload an image to the model, and the model will adjust it in some specified way and then return it.
We would love seeing you mint some NFTs at and post the results here! You can find inspiration at LAZARA or at this awesome website
Contract Address:
- TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器
- TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器
- TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器
- TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器
Shasta testnet: