Link'n Red by Ennovasol : Digital transformation for companies

Can you provide more details about the security measures implemented on the platform to ensure the safety of user data and transactions?


Our solutions not only have the security that blockchain provides, but we also add risk control measures that can address all commercial, management, technology, and process risks and threats. These measures mitigate risks and threats based on the following three categories:

  1. Enforcing security controls that are unique to blockchain
  2. Applying conventional security controls:
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Data encryption
  • Role-based access
  • Auditing and monitoring
  • SSL/TLS certificates
  1. Enforcing business controls for blockchain

We have a DRP plan that mitigates:

  • Software and hardware failures
  • Human errors or accidents
  • Power outages or network failures
  • Natural disasters.

Hola, parece que cuentan con un plan muy completo.


Gracias por tus comentarios Antonio, esto nos motiva a seguir construyendo y ofreciendo soluciones Web3 y Blockchain al mercado empresarial.

Cualquier duda o comentario favor de hacérnoslo saber.


Thank you for providing additional information on the security measures of Link’n’Red. Lastly;

How does the DRP plan address the recovery of data in the event of a disaster, and what is the estimated time to recovery in such scenarios?

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En principio me queda todo claro, está todo muy bien explicado.
Su trabajo me resulta muy interesante en este gran cambio que se presenta, las soluciones al mercado empresarial son sin duda una gran alternativa.


LinknRed supports the vision of Justin Sun, our digital platforms bring the right technology to link customers and companies through Web3 tools.

LinknRed is: Omnichannel and Costumer Journey :fire:

Omnichannel is a sales and marketing strategy that seeks to provide a seamless shopping experience to consumers through multiple sales and communication channels. In other words, Omnichannel is the ability to integrate all channels and touchpoints into a single, smooth, and consistent shopping experience for the customer, meaning that no matter how the customer interacts with the company (online, in-store, via mobile, by phone, etc.), they will receive the same quality of service and customer care.

:open_book: :point_down:

What is Omnichannel?

This strategy focuses on the need to provide a seamless and uninterrupted shopping experience across all channels, including digital and physical channels. With a well-implemented Omnichannel strategy, customers can seamlessly switch from one channel to another as they interact with a brand, without having to repeat information or face a fragmented shopping experience. This increases customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, which in turn increases sales and business profitability.

What is Customer Journey?

Customer Journey, also known as “customer journey mapping,” is the complete process that a customer follows from the first contact with a company to making a purchase or adopting a service. The term refers to the series of interactions that a customer has with a company, including research, purchase, and post-sale service.

The Customer Journey is composed of multiple touchpoints, including advertising, website, social media, customer service, and delivery. The goal of analyzing the Customer Journey is to understand how customers interact with each touchpoint and how they feel at each stage of the process. This understanding allows companies to optimize the process to maximize customer satisfaction and conversions.

Understanding the Customer Journey has become increasingly important in the digital age, as customers have access to a wealth of information and purchasing options. Companies that understand the customer journey can tailor their approach to the needs and desires of their customers, which can significantly improve customer experience and retention.


Me parece perfecta la relación aquí arriba descrita cliente-empresa, y todas las aplicaciones que derivan en la experiencia del cliente. Sigan construyendo es genial.


It is addressed with a set of procedures and policies to identify, protect, and recover critical data as quickly as possible. The estimated recovery time in such scenarios varies depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the system, the amount of lost data, the type of disaster, and the recovery capacity of the DRP plan itself. Our maximum RTO is 8 hours, and our RTR is 4 hours.

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How does the recovery capacity of the DRP plan itself vary depending on the type of disaster? Are certain types of disasters more challenging to recover from than others?

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We try to cover as many mitigated points as possible:
• Software and hardware failures.
• Accidents or human errors.
• Power outages or network failures.
• Natural disasters.

It is true that recovering from certain types of failures or disasters can be more difficult than others. For example, recovering from a natural disaster such as an earthquake or hurricane can be much more difficult and prolonged than recovering from a hardware or software failure.

On the other hand, recovery from human errors or a hardware or software failure can be quicker, especially if backup systems and appropriate prevention measures are in place. In these cases, it may be possible to quickly restore the functionality of the affected systems.

In the end, our maximum RTO is 8 hours and our RTR is 4 hours

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Thank you for the additional information provided. Based on this, here are some further questions I have:

  1. How are the backup systems tested and maintained to ensure their effectiveness?

  2. What kind of communication protocols are in place to keep stakeholders informed during the disaster recovery process?

  3. How are the recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery time targets (RTRs) determined for each type of failure or disaster?

  4. How is the success of the disaster recovery plan measured and evaluated after each incident, and what kind of improvements are made based on the results of the evaluation?


Great Idea … But the idea is it for only spanish speaking country … or the tron community

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Could you please provide me with more detailed information on how B2B2C is integrated into an ERP system? :+1:

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Thank you for asking! At LinknRed, we understand the importance of keeping our backup and disaster recovery systems up-to-date and effective. We regularly conduct tests and simulations to ensure that our systems function properly in the event of a real disaster. To keep stakeholders informed during the disaster recovery process, we have a communication protocol in place that is activated immediately after an event. This protocol establishes communication channels that will be used to keep stakeholders informed about the status of the recovery.

To determine the recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery time targets (RTRs) for each type of failure or disaster, we evaluate each system and process individually and determine how long it will take to recover and restore full functionality. Generally, our recovery time objectives are as short as possible but realistic to allow for effective recovery.

After each incident, we evaluate and measure the success of our disaster recovery plan to identify areas for improvement. We use these results to make improvements to our plan and ensure that we are prepared to handle any future events effectively and efficiently. Overall, our priority is to ensure business continuity and customer satisfaction in any situation.


Thank you for your question. Our current solution is primarily focused on the Spanish-speaking community, as we are located in a Spanish-speaking country (México) and wanted to provide a solution for the LATAM market first. However, we are working hard to expand our services to the English-speaking community as well. Our goal is to provide solutions to as many communities as possible, regardless of language or location. We have already made significant efforts towards the English language, although we have not yet completed the transition in all LinknRed-related tools. We appreciate your interest in our project and will keep you informed of any developments regarding our expansion into the English-speaking market


To integrate the B2B2C model into a digital system, it is necessary to have a robust technological platform that allows companies to connect with their suppliers and end customers. In the case of LinknRed, our eCommerce and ERP solution is designed precisely to achieve this.

Our platform allows companies to manage all operations related to their online sales, from product and service publication to order management, billing, and shipping. At the same time, we facilitate the connection of companies with their suppliers, allowing them to manage their inventories, prices, and purchase conditions in one place.

Additionally, through LinknRed, end customers can access a complete catalog of products and services, securely and easily make online purchases, and track their orders in real-time. All of this is possible thanks to the seamless integration between our eCommerce solution and the ERP system.

At LinknRed, we have developed a technological platform that effectively integrates the B2B2C model into an ERP system, facilitating the management of business operations for companies and their connection with suppliers and end customers.


Thank you for the detailed response.


It´s a very interesting project!!
I have a question… In my company, I have a manual billing process where I have to generate invoices one by one to send to customers, and this takes up a lot of time. How could this help me automate my process?


I understand that you are looking for a way to automate your billing process to save time and facilitate sending invoices to your customers. At LinknRed, we have an electronic invoicing solution that could help simplify and automate this process.

Our solution would allow you to upload your customer and product/service data into our system, and from there, generate invoices automatically with the required fields by SAT. Additionally, once the invoices have been generated and stamped, our system allows you to send them automatically to your customers, either by email or through a customer portal.

In addition to the ease and time-saving that billing automation provides to your company, it’s also essential to consider the impact that eCommerce can have on this process. By selling products or services through an eCommerce platform, such as an online store, you can easily integrate invoice generation and delivery into your sales process.

At LinknRed, we offer an eCommerce solution integrated with our electronic invoicing solution, which means you can automatically generate invoices for each sales transaction in your online store. This not only saves you time and effort, but also allows you to offer a smoother and more efficient purchasing experience to your customers.

By using our electronic invoicing solution, you could significantly reduce the time and effort you currently spend manually generating invoices one by one. Additionally, you would be complying with SAT regulations and contributing to environmental preservation by reducing paper usage.

If you are interested in learning more about our electronic invoicing and eCommerce solution and how we could help automate your billing process, don’t hesitate to contact us, and one of our experts will guide you through the implementation process. We are at your disposal to help you!